diff --git a/dynamicweb/settings/local.py b/dynamicweb/settings/local.py
index 799df594..16b0835a 100644
--- a/dynamicweb/settings/local.py
+++ b/dynamicweb/settings/local.py
@@ -19,3 +19,30 @@ INSTALLED_APPS+=(
+# configurations for opennebula-integration #
+# The user name of the OpenNebula infrastructure
+# The password of the OpenNebula infrastructure
+# The default credentials of the Sandbox OpenNebula VM is
+# oneadmin:opennebula
+# The protocol is generally http or https
+# The ip address or the domain name of the opennebula infrastructure
+# The port to connect in order to send an xmlrpc request. The default
+# port is 2633
+# The endpoint to which the XML RPC request needs to be sent to. The
+# default value is /RPC2
diff --git a/hosting/admin.py b/hosting/admin.py
index c4bff6e0..a4fadcf3 100644
--- a/hosting/admin.py
+++ b/hosting/admin.py
@@ -1,12 +1,28 @@
from django.contrib import admin
from django.utils.html import format_html
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
+from django.conf.urls import url
+from django.template.response import TemplateResponse
+from django.conf import settings
from utils.mailer import BaseEmail
+from django import template
+import oca
+import socket
+from oca.exceptions import OpenNebulaException
from .forms import HostingOrderAdminForm
-from .models import VirtualMachineType, VirtualMachinePlan, HostingOrder
+from .models import VirtualMachineType, VirtualMachinePlan, HostingOrder, ManageVMs
+register = template.Library()
+def get_vm_state(value):
+ if value == 1:
+ return 'PENDING'
+ #states = {-2: 'Any incl done', -1 : 'Any except done', 0 : 'INIT', 1 : 'PENDING', 2 : 'HOLD', 3 : 'ACTIVE', 4 : 'STOPPED', 5 : 'SUSPENDED', 6 : 'DONE', 7 : 'FAILED'}
+ #return states.get(value)
+ return 'UNKNO'
+register.filter('get_vm_state', get_vm_state)
class HostingOrderAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
# fields = ('slug', 'imdb_link', 'start', 'finish', 'added_by')
@@ -92,7 +108,76 @@ class VirtualMachinePlanAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+class HostingManageVMsAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ client = None
+ def get_urls(self):
+ urls = super().get_urls()
+ socket.setdefaulttimeout(5)
+ my_urls = [
+ url(r'^$', self.admin_site.admin_view(self.my_view, cacheable=True)),
+ url(r'^create_vm/$', self.admin_site.admin_view(self.create_vm, cacheable=True), name='createvm'),
+ #url(r'^my_views/$', self.admin_site.admin_view(self.my_view, cacheable=True))
+ ]
+ return my_urls + urls
+ def my_view(self, request):
+ s_message = ''
+ e_message = ''
+ try :
+ client = oca.Client(settings.OPENNEBULA_USERNAME + ':' + settings.OPENNEBULA_PASSWORD, settings.OPENNEBULA_PROTOCOL + '://' + settings.OPENNEBULA_DOMAIN + ':' + settings.OPENNEBULA_PORT + settings.OPENNEBULA_ENDPOINT)
+ vm_pool = oca.VirtualMachinePool(client)
+ vm_pool.info()
+ for vm in vm_pool:
+ vm.info()
+ print("%s (memory: %s MB)" % ( vm.name, vm.template.memory))
+ except socket.timeout:
+ e_message = "Socket timeout error."
+ except OpenNebulaException:
+ e_message = "OpenNebulaException occurred."
+ context = dict(
+ # Include common variables for rendering the admin template.
+ self.admin_site.each_context(request),
+ error_msg = e_message,
+ success_msg = s_message,
+ vms = vm_pool,
+ # Anything else you want in the context...
+ # key=value,
+ )
+ return TemplateResponse(request, "hosting/managevms.html", context)
+ def create_vm(self, request):
+ s_message = ''
+ e_message = ''
+ try :
+ client = oca.Client(settings.OPENNEBULA_USERNAME + ':' + settings.OPENNEBULA_PASSWORD, settings.OPENNEBULA_PROTOCOL + '://' + settings.OPENNEBULA_DOMAIN + ':' + settings.OPENNEBULA_PORT + settings.OPENNEBULA_ENDPOINT)
+ # Lets create a test VM with 128MB of ram and 1 CPU
+ vm_id = oca.VirtualMachine.allocate(client, '
+{% endif %} +{% if success_msg %} +{{success_msg}}
+{% endif %} +Create VM + +{% if vms %} +