{% load staticfiles i18n%} Alplora.ch - {% trans 'Find your animal anywhere, anytime' %}

{% trans 'Find your herd anytime, anywhere' %}

{% trans 'Perfect fit for Swiss Alps' %}

{% trans 'What is Alplora?' %}

{% trans 'Alplora is an animal tracker made for outdoor grazing animals in Swiss Alps.' %}

{% trans 'Alplora is just like a cattle bell, but much better.' %}

{% trans 'LOST' %}


{% trans 'When an animal gets separated from the herd and is lost.' %}

{% trans 'WOLF' %}


{% trans 'When a wolf gets close to the herd.' %}

{% trans 'INJURED' %}


{% trans 'When one of the animals is hurt.' %}

{% trans 'How does Alplora track my animals?' %}

{% trans 'Each animal will be wearing a small tracker,

and the tracker will be sending a signal every 30 to 60 minutes.' %}

{% trans 'Access app' %}


{% trans 'You can see the animal locations on a map by logging into our Alplora app.' %}

{% trans 'Get an alarm' %}


{% trans 'When certain signals for danger are detected, Alplora sends an alarm to you.' %}


{% trans 'Find your animal' %}


{% trans 'You can locate the animal in trouble on the realtime map and can take actions for keeping the animal safe.' %}

{% trans 'Why Alplora?' %}

{% trans 'Perfect fit for Swiss mountains' %}


{% trans 'Alplora is made and tested for Swiss Alps. It is a perfect fit for Swiss environment.' %}

{% trans 'Energy efficient' %}


{% trans 'Alplora uses the latest wireless technology, our batteries last the whole alp season.' %}

{% trans 'Made with love' %}


{% trans 'With a lot of love and respect for Swiss agriculture and nature, Alplora is made by a Swiss company.' %}

{% trans 'Who needs Alplora?' %}

{% trans ' Are your animals...' %}

  • {% trans 'sheep, goats, cows or llamas living freely in the Alps?' %}

  • {% trans 'wearing bells?'%}

  • {% trans 'sometimes getting confused and going too far away from where they are supposed to be?'%}

{% trans 'Do you...'%}

  • {% trans 'have animals which are staying outdoor during some time of the year?'%}

  • {% trans 'want to get an alarm when your animal is hurt, or in danger?'%}

  • {% trans 'want to see where your animals are on your cell phone map?'%}

  • {% trans 'want to make sure 24/7 that your animals are safe?'%}

{% trans 'How do I get Alplora?'%}

{% trans 'Click the button below and leave us your contact.'%}

{% trans 'Team Alplora will contact you and visit you with a tracking device.'%}

{% trans 'Contact'%}