{% load staticfiles i18n%} landings

Your affordable Swiss VM

Are you looking for a secure and affordable VM in the midst of the Swiss mountains?

While there are many offers in Switzerland for secure hosting, we haven't found any that is affordable. So we decided we will built one in the Glarus mountains.

Right now we are in a preparing the tech stack and talking to infrastructure providers to find the optimal location.

Our objective is to launch this offer starting in 2017. Are you curious how it works? Be one of the first to try it and request access to our beta program.

Beta Program

I am interested in running

{% for vm in vms %}
number of VMs ({{vm.ssd}} GB SSD, {{vm.ram}} GB RAM, {{vm.cpu}} CPU) - {{vm.price}}chf / day
{% endfor %}

At a monthly total of 0chf per day

Notice: this is no an order - you don't have to pay anything, it just helps us to setup the right infrastructure

{% csrf_token %}

Thank You

Thanks for letting us know about your interest! We will come back to you as soon as our beta program starts!

Meanwhile, you can checkout news about it on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram