/** * xslTransform * Tools for XSLT transformations; jQuery wrapper for Sarissa <http://sarissa.sourceforge.net/>. * See jQuery.fn.log below for documentation on $.log(). * See jQuery.fn.getTransform below for documention on the $.getTransform(). * See var DEBUG below for turning debugging/logging on and off. * * @version 20071203 * @since 2006-07-05 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 Glyphix Studio, Inc. http://www.glyphix.com * @author Brad Brizendine <brizbane@gmail.com>, Matt Antone <antone@glyphix.com> * @license MIT http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * @requires >= jQuery 1.0.3 http://jquery.com/ * @requires jquery.debug.js http://jquery.glyphix.com/ * @requires >= sarissa.js http://sarissa.sourceforge.net/ * * @example * var r = xslTransform.transform('path-to-xsl.xsl','path-to-xml.xml'); * @desc Perform a transformation and place the results in var r * * @example * var r = xslTransform.transform('path-to-xsl.xsl','path-to-xml.xml'); * var str = xslTransform.serialize( r ); * @desc Perform a transformation, then turn the result into a string * * @example * var doc = xslTransform.load('path-to-xml.xml'); * @desc Load an xml file and return a parsed xml object * * @example * var xml = '<xmldoc><foo>bar</foo></xmldoc>'; * var doc = xslTransform.load(xml); * @desc Load an xml string and return a parsed xml object */ var xslTransform = { version: 20071203, debug: false, // init ... test for requirements init: function(){ // check for v1.0.4 / v1.1 or later of jQuery try{ parseFloat(jQuery.fn.jquery) >= 1; }catch(e){ alert('xslTransform requires jQuery 1.0.4 or greater ... please load it prior to xslTransform'); } // check for Sarissa try{ Sarissa; }catch(e){ alert('Missing Sarissa ... please load it prior to xslTransform'); } // if no log function, create a blank one if( !jQuery.log ){ jQuery.log = function(){}; jQuery.fn.debug = function(){}; } // log the version if(this.debug) jQuery.log( 'xslTransform:init(): version ' + xslTransform.version ); }, // initialize Sarissa's serializer XMLSerializer: new XMLSerializer(), /* * serialize * Turns the provided object into a string and returns it. * * @param data Mixed * @returns String */ serialize: function( data ){ if(this.debug) jQuery.log( 'serialize(): received ' + typeof(data) ); // if it's already a string, no further processing required if( typeof(data) == 'string' ){ return data; } return this.XMLSerializer.serializeToString( data ); }, /* * load * Attempts to load xml data by automatically sensing the type of the provided data. * * @param xml Mixed the xml data * @returns Object */ load: function( xml, meth ){ if(this.debug) jQuery.log( 'load(): received ' + typeof(xml) ); // the result var r; // if it's an object, assume it's already an XML object, so just return it if( typeof(xml) == 'object' ){ return xml; } // if it's a string, determine if it's xml data or a path // assume that the first character is an opening caret if it's XML data if( xml.substring(0,1) == '<' ){ r = this.loadString( xml ); }else{ r = this.loadFile( xml , meth ); } if( r ){ // the following two lines are needed to get IE (msxml3) to run xpath ... set it on all xml data r.setProperty( 'SelectionNamespaces', 'xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"' ); r.setProperty( 'SelectionLanguage', 'XPath' ); return r; }else{ if(this.debug) $.log( 'Unable to load ' + xml ); return false; } }, /* * loadString * Parses an XML string and returns the result. * * @param str String the xml string to turn into a parsed XML object * @returns Object */ loadString: function( str ){ if(this.debug) jQuery.log( 'loadString(): ' + str + '::' + typeof(str) ); // use Sarissa to generate an XML doc var p = new DOMParser(); var xml = p.parseFromString( str, 'text/xml' ); if( !xml ){ if(this.debug) jQuery.log( 'loadString(): parseFromString() failed' ); return false; } return xml; }, /* * loadFile * Attempts to retrieve the requested path, specified by url. * If url is an object, it's assumed it's already loaded, and just returns it. * * @param url Mixed * @returns Object */ loadFile: function( url, meth ){ if(this.debug) jQuery.log( 'loadFile(): ' + url + '::' + typeof(url) ); if( !url ){ if(this.debug) jQuery.log( 'ERROR: loadFile() missing url' ); return false; } // variable to hold ajax results var doc; // function to receive data on successful download ... semicolon after brace is necessary for packing this.xhrsuccess = function(data,str){ if(this.debug) jQuery.log( 'loadFile() completed successfully (' + str + ')' ); doc = data; return true; }; // function to handle downloading error ... semicolon after brace is necessary for packing this.xhrerror = function(xhr,err){ // set debugging to true in order to force the display of this error window.DEBUG = true; if(this.debug) jQuery.log( 'loadFile() failed to load the requested file: (' + err + ') - xml: ' + xhr.responseXML + ' - text: ' + xhr.responseText ); doc = null; return false; }; // make asynchronous ajax call and call functions defined above on success/error if(!meth) meth = "GET"; $.ajax({ type: meth, url: url, async: false, success: this.xhrsuccess, error: this.xhrerror }); // check for total failure if( !doc ){ if(this.debug) jQuery.log( 'ERROR: document ' + url + ' not found (404), or unable to load' ); return false; } // check for success but no data if( doc.length == 0 ){ if(this.debug) jQuery.log( 'ERROR: document ' + url + ' loaded in loadFile() has no data' ); return false; } return doc; }, /* * transform * Central transformation function: takes an xml doc and an xsl doc. * * @param xsl Mixed the xsl transformation document * @param xml Mixed the xml document to be transformed * @param options Object various switches you can send to this function * + params: an object of key/value pairs to be sent to xsl as parameters * + xpath: defines the root node within the provided xml file * @returns Object the results of the transformation * + xsl: the raw xsl doc * + doc: the raw results of the transform * + string: the serialized doc */ transform: function( xsl, xml, options ){ var log = { 'xsl':xsl, 'xml':xml, 'options':options }; if(this.debug) jQuery.log( 'transform(): ' + xsl + '::' + xml + '::' + options.toString() ); // initialize options hash options = options || {}; // initialize the xml object and store it in xml.doc var xml = { 'request':xml, 'doc':this.load(xml, options.meth) }; // if we have an xpath, replace xml.doc with the results of running it // as of 2007-12-03, IE throws a "msxml6: the parameter is incorrect" error, so removing this if( options.xpath && xml.doc && !jQuery.browser.msie ){ // run the xpath xml.doc = xml.doc.selectSingleNode( options.xpath.toString() ); if(this.debug) $.log( 'transform(): xpath has been run...resulting doc: ' + (this.serialize(xml.doc)) ); } // initialize the result object ... store the primary steps of the transform in result var result = { 'xsl':this.load(xsl, options.meth) }; result.json = false; if( options.json && xml.doc ) { result.json = xml.doc.selectSingleNode( options.json.toString() ); } var processor = new XSLTProcessor(); // stylesheet must be imported before parameters can be added processor.importStylesheet( result.xsl ); // add parameters to the processor if( options.params && processor ){ if(this.debug) jQuery.log( 'transform(): received xsl params: ' + options.params.toString() ); for( key in options.params ){ // name and value must be strings // first parameter is namespace processor.setParameter( null, key.toString(), options.params[key].toString() ); } } // perform the transformation result.doc = processor.transformToDocument( xml.doc ); // handle transform error var errorTxt = Sarissa.getParseErrorText(result.doc); if(this.debug) jQuery.log( 'transform(): Sarissa parse text: ' + errorTxt ); if( errorTxt != Sarissa.PARSED_OK ){ // return the error text as the string result.string = Sarissa.getParseErrorText(result.doc) + ' :: using ' + xsl + ' => ' + xml.request; if(this.debug) jQuery.log( 'transform(): error in transformation: ' + Sarissa.getParseErrorText(result.doc) ); return result; } // if we made it this far, the transformation was successful result.string = this.serialize( result.doc ); // store reference to all scripts found in the doc (not result.string) result.scripts = jQuery('script',result.doc).text(); return result; } }; // create the xslTransform object // this creates a single object for the page, allowing re-use of the XSL processor xslTransform.init(); /* * JQuery XSLT transformation plugin. * Replaces all matched elements with the results of an XSLT transformation. * See xslTransform above for more documentation. * * @example * @desc See the xslTransform-example/index.html * * @param xsl String the url to the xsl file * @param xml String the url to the xml file * @param options Object various switches you can send to this function * + params: an object of key/value pairs to be sent to xsl as parameters * + xpath: defines the root node within the provided xml file * + eval: if true, will attempt to eval javascript found in the transformed result * + callback: if a Function, evaluate it when transformation is complete * @returns */ jQuery.fn.getTransform = function( xsl, xml, options ){ var settings = { append: false, params: {}, // object of key/value pairs ... parameters to send to the XSL stylesheet xpath: '', // xpath, used to send only a portion of the XML file to the XSL stylesheet eval: true, // evaluate <script> blocks found in the transformed result callback: '', // callback function, to be run on completion of the transformation json: false, meth : "GET" }; // initialize options hash; override the defaults with supplied options jQuery.extend( settings, options ); if(xslTransform.debug) jQuery.log( 'getTransform: ' + xsl + '::' + xml + '::' + settings.toString() ); // must have both xsl and xml if( !xsl || !xml ){ if(xslTransform.debug) jQuery.log( 'getTransform: missing xsl or xml' ); return; } // run the jquery magic on all matched elements return this.each( function(){ // perform the transformation var trans = xslTransform.transform( xsl, xml, settings ); // ie can fail if there's an xml declaration line in the returned result var re = trans.string.match(/<\?xml.*?\?>/); if( re ){ trans.string = trans.string.replace( re, '' ); if(xslTransform.debug) jQuery.log( 'getTransform(): found an xml declaration and removed it' ); } // place the result in the element // 20070202: jquery 1.1.1 can get a "a.appendChild is not a function" error using html() sometimes ... // no idea why yet, so adding a fallback to innerHTML // ::warning:: ie6 has trouble with javascript events such as onclick assigned statically within the html when using innerHTML try { if(settings.append) $(this).append( trans.string ); else if(settings.repl) $(this).replaceWith( trans.string ); else $(this).html( trans.string ); } catch(e) { if(xslTransform.debug) $.log( 'getTransform: error placing results of transform into element, falling back to innerHTML: ' + e.toString() ); $(this)[0].innerHTML = trans.string; } // there might not be a scripts property if( settings.eval && trans.scripts ){ if( trans.scripts.length > 0 ){ if(xslTransform.debug) jQuery.log( 'Found text/javascript in transformed result' ); eval.call( window, trans.scripts ); } } // run the callback if it's a native function if( settings.callback && jQuery.isFunction(settings.callback) ){ var json = false; if(settings.json && trans.json) eval("json = " + trans.json.firstChild.data); settings.callback.apply(window, [trans.string, json]); } }); };