import sys import subprocess as sp from os.path import isdir from config import env_vars def check(): ######################### # ucloud-image-scanner # ######################### if env_vars.get('STORAGE_BACKEND') == 'filesystem' and not isdir(env_vars.get('IMAGE_DIR')): print("You have set STORAGE_BACKEND to filesystem. So," "the {} must exists. But, it don't".format(env_vars.get('IMAGE_DIR'))) sys.exit(1) try: sp.check_output(['which', 'qemu-img']) except Exception: print("qemu-img missing") sys.exit(1) ############### # ucloud-host # ############### if env_vars.get('STORAGE_BACKEND') == 'filesystem' and not isdir(env_vars.get('VM_DIR')): print("You have set STORAGE_BACKEND to filesystem. So, the vm directory mentioned" " in .env file must exists. But, it don't.") sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": check()