* Fix issue that causes a new image store to be created at every start of ucloud-api. * VM Migration API call now takes hostname instead of host key. * StorageHandler Classes are introduced. They transparently handles things related to importing of image, make vm out of image, resize vm image, delete vm image etc. * Loggers added to __init__.py of every ucloud component's subpackage. * Non-Trivial Timeout Events are no longer logged. * Fix issue that prevents removal of stopped VMs (i.e VMs that are successfully migrated). * Improved unit handling added. e.g MB, Mb, mB, mb are all Mega Bytes. * VM migration is now possible on IPv6 host. * Destination VM (receiving side of migration of a vm) now correctly expects incoming data on free ephemeral port. * Traceback is no longer output to screen, instead it goes to log file. * All sanity checks are put into a single file. These checks are run by ucloud.py before running any of ucloud component.
129 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable file
129 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable file
import glob
import os
import pathlib
import subprocess as sp
import time
from uuid import uuid4
from etcd3_wrapper import Etcd3Wrapper
from filescanner import logger
from config import env_vars
def getxattr(file, attr):
"""Get specified user extended attribute (arg:attr) of a file (arg:file)"""
attr = "user." + attr
value = sp.check_output(['getfattr', file,
'--name', attr,
'--absolute-names'], stderr=sp.DEVNULL)
value = value.decode("utf-8")
except sp.CalledProcessError as e:
value = None
return value
def setxattr(file, attr, value):
"""Set specified user extended attribute (arg:attr) equal to (arg:value)
of a file (arg:file)"""
attr = "user." + attr
sp.check_output(['setfattr', file,
'--name', attr,
'--value', str(value)])
def sha512sum(file: str):
"""Use sha512sum utility to compute sha512 sum of arg:file
IF arg:file does not exists:
raise FileNotFoundError exception
ELSE IF sum successfully computer:
return computed sha512 sum
return None
if not isinstance(file, str): raise TypeError
output = sp.check_output(["sha512sum", file], stderr=sp.PIPE)
except sp.CalledProcessError as e:
error = e.stderr.decode("utf-8")
if "No such file or directory" in error:
raise FileNotFoundError from None
output = output.decode("utf-8").strip()
output = output.split(" ")
return output[0]
return None
sp.check_output(['which', 'getfattr'])
sp.check_output(['which', 'setfattr'])
except Exception as e:
print('Make sure you have getfattr and setfattr available')
def main():
BASE_DIR = env_vars.get("BASE_DIR")
FILE_PREFIX = env_vars.get("FILE_PREFIX")
etcd_client = Etcd3Wrapper(host=env_vars.get("ETCD_URL"))
# Recursively Get All Files and Folder below BASE_DIR
files = glob.glob("{}/**".format(BASE_DIR), recursive=True)
# Retain only Files
files = list(filter(os.path.isfile, files))
untracked_files = list(
filter(lambda f: not bool(getxattr(f, "user.utracked")), files)
tracked_files = list(
filter(lambda f: f not in untracked_files, files)
for file in untracked_files:
file_id = uuid4()
# Get Username
owner = pathlib.Path(file).parts[3]
# Get Creation Date of File
# Here, we are assuming that ctime is creation time
# which is mostly not true.
creation_date = time.ctime(os.stat(file).st_ctime)
# Get File Size
size = os.path.getsize(file)
# Compute sha512 sum
sha_sum = sha512sum(file)
# File Path excluding base and username
file_path = pathlib.Path(file).parts[4:]
file_path = os.path.join(*file_path)
# Create Entry
entry_key = os.path.join(FILE_PREFIX, str(file_id))
entry_value = {
"filename": file_path,
"owner": owner,
"sha512sum": sha_sum,
"creation_date": creation_date,
"size": size
print("Tracking {}".format(file))
# Insert Entry
etcd_client.put(entry_key, entry_value, value_in_json=True)
setxattr(file, "user.utracked", True)
if __name__ == "__main__":