===================================== Ungleich Hosting WebApp Specification ===================================== Author: Raul Ascencio Contact: raul.ascencio@ungleich.ch Version: 0.1 Date: 2015-06-11 Copyright © ungleich GmbH 2015 ----- Terms ----- User The end-user, person/entity who books/use one or more vm's. Ungleich The company agents/users the creators and admins ofr the ungleich hosting webapp. -------- Overview -------- Ungleich hosting is a Plataform as a Service (PaaS) for multiple application stack, offers multiple languages (ruby, python, javascript {node,io}.js), application servers and databases. Ungleich hosting let the user focus on being more productive, without having to worry about the complexities of maintaining a production enviroment. **This spec is not complete**, in fact it hasn't even be reviewed once, it probably needs a couple of revisions to be accepted. What the ungleich plataform offers: - Stack management. - Monitoring and alerting. - High availability. - Automatic aplication deployment. - Ready to use stacks. - Automated Management. - User Access Management [?]. - Production Ready Services (Postgresql, Memcached, Redis...). - Backups and redundancy. - Full management and support for stack-related issues [?] Avilable stacks: **Ruby Stack** - Load balancers: - HAProxy - Frameworks: - Ruby on Rails - ... - Web Servers: - NGINX - ... - Application Servers: - Unicorn - Passenger - Puma [?] - Databases: - Postgresql - Mysql [?] - Mongodb [?] - Caching: - Memcached [?] - Redis (people often use it for other things and it's nice to have) [?] - Misc: - Preinstalled gems (sidekiq/resque, ) **Python Stack** - << Inserts Ruby Stack and replace: - Application Servers: - Gunicorn - uWSGI - Frameworks: - Django - ... - Misc: - Celery/Gearman - ... **Node Stack** - << Inserts Ruby Stack and replace: - Frameworks: - Express - Meteor - Hoodie - Databases: - ... - Couchdb (Hoodie) - Misc: - npm - pm2 - browserify/requirejs/webpack - ... Brief summary of how it works: 1. The *User* goes to an Ungleich Hosting website to register. 2. Once logged in, the *User* get asked for his/her billing information to start booking machines. 3. After the *User* inserts a 'valid' credit card he books a VM. 4. When a VM is booked the *User* is subscribed to a 'plan' that it's related with the VM specs. a. User can be asked for a public SSH key, this key can be used to access to the server. 5. The subscription gets confirmed, *Ugleich* deploy the requested infrastructure and stack. 6. *User* is notified that the new VM is ready to use. 7. The *User* access the new VM and deploys the Application. ----------------------- Ungleich Hosting - Goal ----------------------- As ungleich, we want to offer "Application Hosting" - pre-configured VMs plus support for the technologies running on them, the VMs should be "clickable" as in self service mid term. -------------------------- Ungleich Hosting - Phase 0 -------------------------- This phase will deliver a fully functional webpage for railshosting, without the capabilities of the 'ungleich hosting app', except from selecting an stack ordering it by email and the user being subscribed to a plan (billing). This phase will Where this phase come from: + ...for the moment, it is enough if we generate a mail for every order + get rails-hosting.ch running so that somebody can order a VM including payment ********* Non Goals ********* + The VMs should be "clickable" as in self service. + End-User interface to manage their VMs. ************ Requirements ************ #. Feature Description 1. *Ungleich* provides a service overview page 2. *Ungleich* provides a sign up page for users who want to try the private beta of the service 3. *Ungleich* let *Users* upload their public SSHs keys 4. *Users* can subscribe to their choosen hosting plan. 5. Notify *Users* when their VMs are ready. 6. *Users* can access to their VMs using the uploaded SSHs keys. 7. *Users* can view their billing history. 8. *Users* are capable of canceling their plans. 9. *Users* are notified every time a new invoice is sucefully charged. 10. *Users* are notified every time their invoices fail to charge. 11. *Users* can add credit cards to their accounts. 12. *Users* can see a detail of every invoice. 13. *Users* can create multiple VMs. 14. *Users* can choose what SSHs keys will use for every VM. 15. *Users* can see the recent history of access to their VMs [?] 16. *Users* can edit their profiles. 17. *Users* can submit tickets to *Ungleich* 18. *Users* can configure DNS settings. 19. *Ungleich* can see the list of *Users*. 20. *Ungleich* can browse the VMs of all *Users*. 21. *Ungleich* is notified everytime an invoice fail to charge. 22. *Ungleich* provide help pages for every section of the site. ******* Details ******* ... -------------------------- Ungleich Hosting - Phase 1 -------------------------- This phase will deliver the foundations for most of the ungleich hosting app capabilities. for the moment, it is enough if we generate a mail for every order