{% extends "ungleich/djangocms_blog/base.html" %} {% load i18n thumbnail %}{% spaceless %} {% block canonical_url %}{% endblock canonical_url %} {% block content_blog %}
{% block blog_title %}

{% if author %}{% trans "Articles by" %} {{ author.get_full_name }} {% elif archive_date %}{% trans "Archive" %} – {% if month %}{{ archive_date|date:'F' }} {% endif %}{{ year }} {% elif tagged_entries %}{% trans "Tag" %} – {{ tagged_entries|capfirst }} {% elif category %}{% trans "Category" %} – {{ category }}{% endif %}

{% endblock %} {% for post in post_list %} {% include "ungleich/djangocms_blog/includes/blog_item.html" with post=post image="true" TRUNCWORDS_COUNT=TRUNCWORDS_COUNT %} {% empty %}

{% trans "No article found." %}

{% endfor %} {% if author or archive_date or tagged_entries %}

{% trans "Back" %}

{% endif %} {% if is_paginated %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% endspaceless %} {#{% load i18n thumbnail %}{% spaceless %}#} {##} {#{% block canonical_url %}{% endblock canonical_url %}#} {##} {#{% block content_blog %}#} {#
#} {# {% block blog_title %}#} {#
#} {#

#} {# {% if author %}{% trans "Articles by" %} {{ author.get_full_name }}#} {# {% elif archive_date %}{% trans "Archive" %} – {% if month %}{{ archive_date|date:'F' }} {% endif %}{{ year }}#} {# {% elif tagged_entries %}{% trans "Tag" %} – {{ tagged_entries|capfirst }}#} {# {% elif category %}{% trans "Category" %} – {{ category }}{% endif %}#} {#

#} {#
#} {# {% endblock %}#} {# {% for post in post_list %}#} {# {% include "djangocms_blog/includes/blog_item.html" with post=post image="true" TRUNCWORDS_COUNT=TRUNCWORDS_COUNT %}#} {# {% empty %}#} {#

{% trans "No article found." %}

#} {# {% endfor %}#} {# {% if author or archive_date or tagged_entries %}#} {#

{% trans "Back" %}

#} {# {% endif %}#} {# {% if is_paginated %}#} {# #} {# {% endif %}#} {#
#} {#{% endblock %}#} {#{% endspaceless %}#}