/*##################################################|*/ /* #CMS# */ (function($) { // CMS.$ will be passed for $ $(document).ready(function () { /*! * Modal * Controls a cms specific modal */ CMS.Modal = new CMS.Class({ implement: [CMS.API.Helpers], options: { 'onClose': false, 'minHeight': 400, 'minWidth': 800, 'modalDuration': 300, 'newPlugin': false, 'urls': { 'css_modal': 'cms/css/cms.toolbar.modal.css' } }, initialize: function (options) { this.options = $.extend(true, {}, this.options, options); this.config = CMS.config; // elements this.body = $('html'); this.modal = $('.cms_modal'); this.toolbar = $('.cms_toolbar'); // states this.click = (document.ontouchstart !== null) ? 'click.cms' : 'touchend.cms click.cms'; this.maximized = false; this.minimized = false; this.triggerMaximized = false; this.saved = false; // if the modal is initialized the first time, set the events if(!this.modal.data('ready')) this._events(); // ready modal this.modal.data('ready', true); }, // initial methods _events: function () { var that = this; // attach events to window this.modal.find('.cms_modal-collapse').bind(this.click, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); that._minimize(); }); this.modal.find('.cms_modal-title').bind('mousedown.cms', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); that._startMove(e); }); this.modal.find('.cms_modal-title').bind('dblclick.cms', function () { that._maximize(); }); this.modal.find('.cms_modal-resize').bind('mousedown.cms', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); that._startResize(e); }); this.modal.find('.cms_modal-maximize').bind(this.click, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); that._maximize(); }); this.modal.find('.cms_modal-breadcrumb-items').on(this.click, 'a', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); that._changeContent($(this)); }); this.modal.find('.cms_modal-close, .cms_modal-cancel').bind(this.click, function (e) { that.options.onClose = null; e.preventDefault(); that.close(); }); // stopper events $(document).bind('mouseup.cms', function (e) { that._endMove(e); that._endResize(e); }); }, // public methods open: function (url, name, breadcrumb) { // cancel if another lightbox is already being opened if(CMS.API.locked) { CMS.API.locked = false; return false } else { CMS.API.locked = true; } // because a new instance is called, we have to ensure minimized state is removed #3620 if(this.modal.is(':visible') && this.modal.find('.cms_modal-collapsed').length) { this.minimized = true; this._minimize(); } // show loader CMS.API.Toolbar._loader(true); // hide tooltip this.hideTooltip(); // reset breadcrumb this.modal.find('.cms_modal-breadcrumb').hide(); this.modal.find('.cms_modal-breadcrumb-items').html(''); // empty buttons this.modal.find('.cms_modal-buttons').html(''); var contents = this.modal.find('.cms_modal-body, .cms_modal-foot'); contents.show(); this._loadContent(url, name); // insure modal is not maximized if(this.modal.find('.cms_modal-collapsed').length) this._minimize(); // reset styles this.modal.css({ 'left': '50%', 'top': '50%', 'mergin-left': 0, 'margin-right': 0 }); // lets set the modal width and height to the size of the browser var widthOffset = 300; // adds margin left and right var heightOffset = 350; // adds margin top and bottom; var screenWidth = $(window).width(); // it has to be the height of the window not computer screen var screenHeight = $(window).height(); // it has to be the height of the window and not computer screen var width = (screenWidth >= this.options.minWidth + widthOffset) ? screenWidth - widthOffset : this.options.minWidth; var height = (screenHeight >= this.options.minHeight + heightOffset) ? screenHeight - heightOffset : this.options.minHeight; this.modal.find('.cms_modal-body').css({ 'width': width, 'height': height }); this.modal.find('.cms_modal-body').removeClass('cms_loader'); this.modal.find('.cms_modal-maximize').removeClass('cms_modal-maximize-active'); this.maximized = false; // in case, the window is larger than the windows height, we trigger fullscreen mode if(height >= screenHeight) this.triggerMaximized = true; // we need to render the breadcrumb this._setBreadcrumb(breadcrumb); // display modal this._show(this.options.modalDuration); }, close: function () { var that = this; // handle remove option when plugin is new if(this.options.newPlugin) { var data = this.options.newPlugin; var post = '{ "csrfmiddlewaretoken": "' + this.config.csrf + '" }'; var text = this.config.lang.confirm; // trigger an ajax request CMS.API.Toolbar.openAjax(data['delete'], post, text, function () { that._hide(100); }); } else { this._hide(100); } // handle refresh option if(this.options.onClose) this.reloadBrowser(this.options.onClose, false, true); // reset maximize or minimize states for #3111 setTimeout(function () { if(that.minimized) { that._minimize(); } if(that.maximized) { that._maximize(); } }, 300); }, // private methods _show: function (speed) { // we need to position the modal in the center var that = this; var width = this.modal.width(); var height = this.modal.height(); // animates and sets the modal this.modal.show().css({ 'width': 0, 'height': 0, 'margin-left': 0, 'margin-top': 0 }).stop(true, true).animate({ 'width': width, 'height': height, 'margin-left': -(width / 2), 'margin-top': -(height / 2) }, speed, function () { $(this).removeAttr('style'); that.modal.css({ 'margin-left': -(width / 2), 'margin-top': -(height / 2) }); // fade in modal window that.modal.show(); // hide loader CMS.API.Toolbar._loader(false); // check if we should maximize if(that.triggerMaximized) that._maximize(); // changed locked status to allow other modals again CMS.API.locked = false; }); // add esc close event $(document).bind('keydown.cms', function (e) { if(e.keyCode === 27) that.close(); }); // set focus to modal this.modal.focus(); }, _hide: function (speed) { this.modal.fadeOut(speed); this.modal.find('.cms_modal-frame iframe').remove(); this.modal.find('.cms_modal-body').removeClass('cms_loader'); }, _minimize: function () { var trigger = this.modal.find('.cms_modal-collapse'); var maximize = this.modal.find('.cms_modal-maximize'); var contents = this.modal.find('.cms_modal-body, .cms_modal-foot'); var title = this.modal.find('.cms_modal-title'); // cancel action if maximized if(this.maximized) return false; if(this.minimized === false) { // ensure toolbar is shown CMS.API.Toolbar.toggleToolbar(true); // minimize trigger.addClass('cms_modal-collapsed'); contents.hide(); // save initial state this.modal.data('css', { 'left': this.modal.css('left'), 'top': this.modal.css('top'), 'margin': this.modal.css('margin') }); this.modal.css({ 'left': this.toolbar.find('.cms_toolbar-left').outerWidth(true) + 50, 'top': (this.config.debug) ? 6 : 1, 'margin': 0 }); // enable scrolling this.body.css('overflow', ''); // ensure maximize element is hidden #3111 maximize.hide(); // set correct cursor when maximized #3111 title.css('cursor', 'default'); this.minimized = true; } else { // minimize trigger.removeClass('cms_modal-collapsed'); contents.show(); // reattach css this.modal.css(this.modal.data('css')); // disable scrolling this.body.css('overflow', 'hidden'); // ensure maximize element is shown #3111 maximize.show(); // set correct cursor when maximized #3111 title.css('cursor', 'move'); this.minimized = false; } }, _maximize: function () { var debug = (this.config.debug) ? 5 : 0; var container = this.modal.find('.cms_modal-body'); var minimize = this.modal.find('.cms_modal-collapse'); var trigger = this.modal.find('.cms_modal-maximize'); var title = this.modal.find('.cms_modal-title'); // cancel action when minimized if(this.minimized) return false; if(this.maximized === false) { // maximize this.maximized = true; trigger.addClass('cms_modal-maximize-active'); this.modal.data('css', { 'left': this.modal.css('left'), 'top': this.modal.css('top'), 'margin-left': this.modal.css('margin-left'), 'margin-top': this.modal.css('margin-top') }); container.data('css', { 'width': container.width(), 'height': container.height() }); // reset this.modal.css({ 'left': 0, 'top': debug, 'margin': 0 }); // bind resize event $(window).bind('resize.cms.modal', function () { container.css({ 'width': $(window).width(), 'height': $(window).height() - 60 - debug }); }); $(window).trigger('resize.cms.modal'); // ensure maximize element is hidden #3111 minimize.hide(); // set correct cursor when maximized #3111 title.css('cursor', 'default'); } else { // minimize this.maximized = false; trigger.removeClass('cms_modal-maximize-active'); $(window).unbind('resize.cms.modal'); // reattach css this.modal.css(this.modal.data('css')); container.css(container.data('css')); // ensure maximize element is shown #3111 minimize.show(); // set correct cursor when maximized #3111 title.css('cursor', 'move'); } }, _startMove: function (initial) { // cancel if maximized if(this.maximized) return false; // cancel action when minimized if(this.minimized) return false; var that = this; var position = that.modal.position(); this.modal.find('.cms_modal-shim').show(); $(document).bind('mousemove.cms', function (e) { var left = position.left - (initial.pageX - e.pageX); var top = position.top - (initial.pageY - e.pageY); that.modal.css({ 'left': left, 'top': top }); }); }, _endMove: function () { this.modal.find('.cms_modal-shim').hide(); $(document).unbind('mousemove.cms'); }, _startResize: function (initial) { // cancel if in fullscreen if(this.maximized) return false; // continue var that = this; var container = this.modal.find('.cms_modal-body'); var width = container.width(); var height = container.height(); var modalLeft = this.modal.position().left; var modalTop = this.modal.position().top; this.modal.find('.cms_modal-shim').show(); $(document).bind('mousemove.cms', function (e) { var mvX = initial.pageX - e.pageX; var mvY = initial.pageY - e.pageY; var w = width - (mvX * 2); var h = height - (mvY * 2); var max = 680; // add some limits if(w <= max || h <= 100) return false; // set centered animation container.css({ 'width': width - (mvX * 2), 'height': height - (mvY * 2) }); that.modal.css({ 'left': modalLeft + mvX, 'top': modalTop + mvY }); }); }, _endResize: function () { this.modal.find('.cms_modal-shim').hide(); $(document).unbind('mousemove.cms'); }, _setBreadcrumb: function (breadcrumb) { var bread = this.modal.find('.cms_modal-breadcrumb'); var crumb = ''; // cancel if there is no breadcrumb) if(!breadcrumb || breadcrumb.length <= 0) return false; if(!breadcrumb[0].title) return false; // load breadcrumb $.each(breadcrumb, function (index, item) { // check if the item is the last one var last = (index >= breadcrumb.length - 1) ? 'cms_modal-breadcrumb-last' : ''; // render breadcrumb crumb += '<a href="' + item.url + '" class="' + last + '"><span>' + item.title + '</span></a>'; }); // attach elements bread.find('.cms_modal-breadcrumb-items').html(crumb); // show breadcrumb bread.show(); }, _setButtons: function (iframe) { var djangoSuit = iframe.contents().find('.suit-columns').length > 0; var that = this; var row; if (!djangoSuit) { row = iframe.contents().find('.submit-row:eq(0)'); } else { row = iframe.contents().find('.save-box:eq(0)'); } // hide all submit-rows iframe.contents().find('.submit-row').hide(); var buttons = row.find('input, a, button'); var render = $('<span />'); // seriously jquery... // if there are no given buttons within the submit-row area // scan deeper within the form itself if(!buttons.length) { row = iframe.contents().find('body:not(.change-list) #content form:eq(0)'); buttons = row.find('input[type="submit"], button[type="submit"]'); buttons.addClass('deletelink') .hide(); } // attach relation id buttons.each(function (index, item) { $(item).attr('data-rel', '_' + index); }); // loop over input buttons buttons.each(function (index, item) { item = $(item); // cancel if item is a hidden input if(item.attr('type') === 'hidden') return false; // create helper variables var title = item.attr('value') || item.text(); var cls = 'cms_btn'; // set additional special css classes if(item.hasClass('default')) cls = 'cms_btn cms_btn-action'; if(item.hasClass('deletelink')) cls = 'cms_btn cms_btn-caution'; // create the element and attach events var el = $('<div class="'+cls+' '+item.attr('class')+'">'+title+'</div>'); el.bind(that.click, function () { if(item.is('input') || item.is('button')) item[0].click(); if(item.is('a')) that._loadContent(item.prop('href'), title); // trigger only when blue action buttons are triggered if(item.hasClass('default') || item.hasClass('deletelink')) { that.options.newPlugin = null; // reset onClose when delete is triggered if(item.hasClass('deletelink')) that.options.onClose = null; // hide iframe that.modal.find('.cms_modal-frame iframe').hide(); // page has been saved or deleted, run checkup that.saved = true; } }); // append element render.append(el); }); // manually add cancel button at the end var cancel = $('<div class="cms_btn">'+that.config.lang.cancel+'</div>'); cancel.bind(that.click, function () { that.options.onClose = false; that.close(); }); render.append(cancel); // render buttons this.modal.find('.cms_modal-buttons').html(render); }, _loadContent: function (url, name) { var that = this; // FIXME: A better fix is needed for '&' being interpreted as the // start of en entity by jQuery. See #3404 url = url.replace('&', '&'); // now refresh the content var iframe = $('<iframe src="'+url+'" class="" frameborder="0" />'); iframe.css('visibility', 'hidden'); var holder = this.modal.find('.cms_modal-frame'); // set correct title var title = this.modal.find('.cms_modal-title'); title.html(name || ' '); // ensure previous iframe is hidden holder.find('iframe').css('visibility', 'hidden'); // attach load event for iframe to prevent flicker effects iframe.bind('load', function () { // check if iframe can be accessed try { iframe.contents(); } catch (error) { CMS.API.Toolbar.showError('<strong>' + error + '</strong>'); that.close(); } // show messages in toolbar if provided var messages = iframe.contents().find('.messagelist li'); if(messages.length) CMS.API.Toolbar.openMessage(messages.eq(0).text()); messages.remove(); var contents = iframe.contents(); // determine if we should close the modal or reload if(messages.length && that.enforceReload) that.reloadBrowser(); if(messages.length && that.enforceClose) { that.close(); return false; } // after iframe is loaded append css contents.find('head').append($('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' + that.config.urls.static + that.options.urls.css_modal + '" />')); // adding django hacks contents.find('.viewsitelink').attr('target', '_top'); // set modal buttons that._setButtons($(this)); // when an error occurs, reset the saved status so the form can be checked and validated again if(iframe.contents().find('.errornote').length || iframe.contents().find('.errorlist').length) { that.saved = false; } // when the window has been changed pressing the blue or red button, we need to run a reload check // also check that no delete-confirmation is required if(that.saved && !contents.find('.delete-confirmation').length) { that.reloadBrowser(window.location.href, false, true); } else { iframe.show(); // set title of not provided var innerTitle = iframe.contents().find('#content h1:eq(0)'); if(name === undefined) title.html(innerTitle.text()); innerTitle.remove(); // than show iframe.css('visibility', 'visible'); // append ready state iframe.data('ready', true); // attach close event contents.find('body').bind('keydown.cms', function (e) { if(e.keyCode === 27) that.close(); }); contents.find('body').addClass('cms_modal-window'); // figure out if .object-tools is available if(contents.find('.object-tools').length) { contents.find('#content').css('padding-top', 38); } } }); // inject setTimeout(function () { that.modal.find('.cms_modal-body').addClass('cms_loader'); holder.html(iframe); }, this.options.modalDuration); }, _changeContent: function (el) { if(el.hasClass('cms_modal-breadcrumb-last')) return false; var parents = el.parent().find('a'); parents.removeClass('cms_modal-breadcrumb-last'); el.addClass('cms_modal-breadcrumb-last'); this._loadContent(el.attr('href')); // update title this.modal.find('.cms_modal-title').text(el.text()); } }); }); })(CMS.$);