{% extends "datacenterlight/base_hosting.html" %} {% load staticfiles bootstrap3 i18n cms_tags humanize %} {% block css_extra %} {% endblock css_extra %} {% block navbar %} {% include "datacenterlight/includes/_navbar.html" %} {% endblock navbar %} {% block content %}
{% for message in messages %} {% if 'vat_error' in message.tags %}
  • An error occurred while validating VAT number: {{ message|safe }}

{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% if request.user.is_authenticated %}

{% trans "Welcome back" %} {{request.user.name}}!

{% trans "Review your billing address and card details and proceed to make payment." %}

{% else %}

{%trans "Log in" %}

{% blocktrans %}Already signed up?
By logging in you can retrieve saved billing information.{% endblocktrans %}

{% for field in login_form %} {% csrf_token %} {% bootstrap_field field show_label=False type='fields'%} {% endfor %}


{% trans "Don't have an account yet?" %}
{% trans "You can sign up by filling in the information below." %}
{% trans "Forgot password?" %} or {% trans "Resend activation link" %}?

{% endif %}
{% if not request.user.is_authenticated %}

{%trans "Sign up"%}

{% else %}

{%trans "Billing Address"%}

{% endif %}
{% for message in messages %} {% if 'duplicate_email' in message.tags %}


{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% csrf_token %} {% for field in billing_address_form %} {% bootstrap_field field show_label=False type='fields'%} {% endfor %}
{% if generic_payment_form %}

{%trans "Make a payment" %}

{% csrf_token %} {% for field in generic_payment_form %} {% bootstrap_field field type='fields'%} {% endfor %}


{% else %}

{%trans "Your Order" %}

{% trans "Cores"%} {{request.session.specs.cpu|floatformat}}

{% trans "Memory"%} {{request.session.specs.memory|floatformat}} GB

{% trans "Disk space"%} {{request.session.specs.disk_size|floatformat}} GB

{% trans "Configuration"%} {{request.session.template.name}}

{%trans "Total" %}   ({% if vm_pricing.vat_inclusive %}{%trans "including VAT" %}{% else %}{%trans "excluding VAT" %}{% endif %}) {{request.session.specs.price|intcomma}} CHF/{% trans "Month" %}

{% if vm_pricing.discount_amount %}

{%trans "Discount" as discount_name %} {{ vm_pricing.discount_name|default:discount_name }}   - {{ vm_pricing.discount_amount }} CHF/{% trans "Month" %}

({% trans "Will be applied at checkout" %})

{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% with card_list_len=cards_list|length %}

{%trans "Credit Card"%}

{% if card_list_len > 0 %} {% blocktrans %}Please select one of the cards that you used before or fill in your credit card information below. We are using Stripe for payment and do not store your information in our database.{% endblocktrans %} {% else %} {% blocktrans %}Please fill in your credit card information below. We are using Stripe for payment and do not store your information in our database.{% endblocktrans %} {% endif %}

{% for card in cards_list %}
{% trans "Credit Card" %}
{% trans "Last" %} 4: ***** {{card.last4}}
{% trans "Type" %}: {{card.brand}}
{% trans "Expiry" %}: {{card.exp_month}}/{{card.exp_year}}
{% endfor %} {% if card_list_len > 0 %}

{% trans "Add a new credit card" %}

{%trans "New Credit Card" %}

{% include "hosting/includes/_card_input.html" %}
{% else%} {% include "hosting/includes/_card_input.html" %} {% endif %}
{% endwith %}
{% if stripe_key %} {% get_current_language as LANGUAGE_CODE %} {%endif%} {%endblock%}