[doc] Move install and co. into the main documentation

This commit is contained in:
Nico Schottelius 2020-08-01 23:42:36 +02:00
parent a091079677
commit 9d5d8657cb
2 changed files with 91 additions and 140 deletions

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@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
## Install
### OS package requirements
apk add openldap-dev postgresql-dev
apt install postgresql-server-dev-all
### Python requirements
If you prefer using a venv, use:
python -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
Then install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
### Database requirements
Due to the use of the JSONField, postgresql is required.
First create a role to be used:
postgres=# create role nico login;
Then create the database owner by the new role:
postgres=# create database uncloud owner nico;
Installing the postgresql service is os dependent, but some hints:
* Alpine: `apk add postgresql-server && rc-update add postgresql && rc-service postgresql start`
* Debian/Devuan: `apt install postgresql`
After postresql is started, apply the migrations:
python manage.py migrate
## Flows / Orders
### Creating a VMHost
### Creating a VM
* Create a VMHost
* Create a VM on a VMHost
### Creating a VM Snapshot
## Working Beta APIs
These APIs can be used for internal testing.
### URL Overview
http -a nicoschottelius:$(pass ungleich.ch/nico.schottelius@ungleich.ch) http://localhost:8000
### Snapshotting
http -a nicoschottelius:$(pass ungleich.ch/nico.schottelius@ungleich.ch) http://localhost:8000/vm/snapshot/ vm_uuid=$(uuidgen)
## VPNs
VPNs consist of VPNPools ("networks of networks") which are handled by
VPNHosts. Users can requests VPNs with specific sizes.
VPNs support both IPv6 and IPv4. However only IPv6 support has not been
### Managing VPNPools
http -a nico:$(pass ldap/nico) https://uncloud.place7.ungleich.ch/v1/admin/vpnpool/ network=2a0a:e5c1:200:: network_size=40 subnetwork_size=48 vpn_hostname=vpn-2a0ae5c1200.ungleich.ch wireguard_private_key=$(wg genkey)
This will create the VPNPool 2a0a:e5c1:200::/40 from which /48
networks will be used for clients.
VPNPools can only be managed by staff.
### Managing VPNNetworks
To request a network as a client, use the following call:
http -a nicoschottelius:$(pass ungleich.ch/nico.schottelius@ungleich.ch)https://uncloud.place7.ungleich.ch/v1/net/vpn/ network_size=48 wireguard_public_key=$(wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey)
VPNNetworks can be managed by all authenticated users.
## Proposed (uncoded) flows
### Changing the disk size of a VM
* GET on ../vm/vm/<uuid> should list uuids of disks
* UPDATE on ../vm/disk/<uuid> with size=newsize
* Newsize > oldsize!
* Triggers shutdown of VM
* Resizes disk
* Starts VM
* Maybe confirm flag?
### Adding a disk to a VM

View file

@ -1,9 +1,64 @@
* Bootstrap * Bootstrap / Installation
- Login via a user so that the user object gets created ** Pre-requisites by operating system
- Run the following (replace nicocustomer with the username) *** Alpine
python manage.py bootstrap-user --username nicocustomer apk add openldap-dev postgresql-dev
*** Debian/Devuan:
apt install postgresql-server-dev-all
** Creating a virtual environment / installing python requirements
*** Virtual env
To separate uncloud requirements, you can use a python virtual
env as follows:
python3 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
Then install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
** Setting up the the database
*** Install the database service
The database can run on the same host as uncloud, but can also run
a different server. Consult the usual postgresql documentation for
a secure configuration.
**** Alpine
apk add postgresql-server
rc-update add postgresql
rc-service postgresql start`
**** Debian/Devuan:
apt install postgresql
*** Create the database
Due to the use of the JSONField, postgresql is required.
To get started,
create a database and have it owned by the user that runs uncloud
(usually "uncloud"):
bridge:~# su - postgres
bridge:~$ psql
postgres=# create role uncloud login;
postgres=# create database uncloud owner nico;
*** Creating the schema
python manage.py migrate
** Bootstrap
- Login via a user so that the user object gets created
- Run the following (replace nicocustomer with the username)
python manage.py bootstrap-user --username nicocustomer
* Testing / CLI Access * Testing / CLI Access
Access via the commandline (CLI) can be done using curl or Access via the commandline (CLI) can be done using curl or
@ -16,6 +71,33 @@
http --auth nicocustomer:$(pass ldap/nicocustomer) localhost:8000/api/ http --auth nicocustomer:$(pass ldap/nicocustomer) localhost:8000/api/
* Using uncloud products
** VPN
*** Creating a VPN pool
http -a uncloudadmin:$(pass uncloudadmin) https://localhost:8000/v1/admin/vpnpool/ \
network=2a0a:e5c1:200:: network_size=40 subnetwork_size=48 \
vpn_hostname=vpn-2a0ae5c1200.ungleich.ch wireguard_private_key=$(wg genkey)
This will create the VPNPool 2a0a:e5c1:200::/40 from which /48
networks will be used for clients.
VPNPools can only be managed by staff.
*** Managing VPNNetworks
To request a network as a client, use the following call:
http -a user:$(pass user) https://localhost:8000/v1/net/vpn/ \
network_size=48 \
wireguard_public_key=$(wg genkey | tee privatekey | wg pubkey)
VPNNetworks can be managed by all authenticated users.
* Database * Database
** uncloud clients access the data base from a variety of outside hosts ** uncloud clients access the data base from a variety of outside hosts
** So the postgresql data base needs to be remotely accessible ** So the postgresql data base needs to be remotely accessible
@ -127,3 +209,7 @@
*** Decision *** Decision
We use integers, because they are easy. We use integers, because they are easy.
** Documentation
This documentation is written in org-mode. To compile it to
html/pdf, just open emacs and press *C-c C-e l p*.