import re import stripe import stripe.error import logging from config import etcd_client as client, config as config stripe.api_key = config.get('stripe', 'private_key') def handle_stripe_error(f): def handle_problems(*args, **kwargs): response = { 'paid': False, 'response_object': None, 'error': None } common_message = "Currently it's not possible to make payments." try: response_object = f(*args, **kwargs) response = { 'response_object': response_object, 'error': None } return response except stripe.error.CardError as e: # Since it's a decline, stripe.error.CardError will be caught body = e.json_body err = body['error'] response.update({'error': err['message']}) logging.error(str(e)) return response except stripe.error.RateLimitError: response.update( {'error': "Too many requests made to the API too quickly"}) return response except stripe.error.InvalidRequestError as e: logging.error(str(e)) response.update({'error': "Invalid parameters"}) return response except stripe.error.AuthenticationError as e: # Authentication with Stripe's API failed # (maybe you changed API keys recently) logging.error(str(e)) response.update({'error': common_message}) return response except stripe.error.APIConnectionError as e: logging.error(str(e)) response.update({'error': common_message}) return response except stripe.error.StripeError as e: # maybe send email logging.error(str(e)) response.update({'error': common_message}) return response except Exception as e: # maybe send email logging.error(str(e)) response.update({'error': common_message}) return response return handle_problems class StripeUtils(object): CURRENCY = 'chf' INTERVAL = 'month' SUCCEEDED_STATUS = 'succeeded' STRIPE_PLAN_ALREADY_EXISTS = 'Plan already exists' STRIPE_NO_SUCH_PLAN = 'No such plan' PLAN_EXISTS_ERROR_MSG = 'Plan {} exists already.\nCreating a local StripePlan now.' PLAN_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERROR_MSG = 'Plan {} does not exist.' def __init__(self): self.stripe = stripe @handle_stripe_error def card_exists(self, customer, cc_number, exp_month, exp_year, cvc): token_obj = stripe.Token.create( card={ 'number': cc_number, 'exp_month': exp_month, 'exp_year': exp_year, 'cvc': cvc, }, ) cards = stripe.Customer.list_sources( customer, limit=20, object='card' ) for card in if (card.fingerprint == token_obj.card.fingerprint and int(card.exp_month) == int(exp_month) and int(card.exp_year) == int(exp_year)): return True return False @staticmethod def get_stripe_customer_from_email(email): customer = stripe.Customer.list(limit=1, email=email) return[0] if len( == 1 else None @staticmethod def update_customer_token(customer, token): customer.source = token @handle_stripe_error def get_token_from_card(self, cc_number, cvc, expiry_month, expiry_year): token_obj = stripe.Token.create( card={ 'number': cc_number, 'exp_month': expiry_month, 'exp_year': expiry_year, 'cvc': cvc, }, ) return token_obj @handle_stripe_error def associate_customer_card(self, stripe_customer_id, token, set_as_default=False): customer = stripe.Customer.retrieve(stripe_customer_id) card = customer.sources.create(source=token) if set_as_default: customer.default_source = return True @handle_stripe_error def dissociate_customer_card(self, stripe_customer_id, card_id): customer = stripe.Customer.retrieve(stripe_customer_id) card = customer.sources.retrieve(card_id) card.delete() @handle_stripe_error def update_customer_card(self, customer_id, token): customer = stripe.Customer.retrieve(customer_id) current_card_token = customer.default_source customer.sources.retrieve(current_card_token).delete() customer.source = token credit_card_raw_data = new_card_data = { 'last4': credit_card_raw_data.last4, 'brand': credit_card_raw_data.brand } return new_card_data @handle_stripe_error def get_card_details(self, customer_id): customer = stripe.Customer.retrieve(customer_id) credit_card_raw_data = card_details = { 'last4': credit_card_raw_data.last4, 'brand': credit_card_raw_data.brand, 'exp_month': credit_card_raw_data.exp_month, 'exp_year': credit_card_raw_data.exp_year, 'fingerprint': credit_card_raw_data.fingerprint, 'card_id': } return card_details @handle_stripe_error def get_all_invoices(self, customer_id, created_gt): return_list = [] has_more_invoices = True starting_after = False while has_more_invoices: if starting_after: invoices = stripe.Invoice.list( limit=10, customer=customer_id, created={'gt': created_gt}, starting_after=starting_after ) else: invoices = stripe.Invoice.list( limit=10, customer=customer_id, created={'gt': created_gt} ) has_more_invoices = invoices.has_more for invoice in sub_ids = [] for line in if line.type == 'subscription': sub_ids.append( elif line.type == 'invoiceitem': sub_ids.append(line.subscription) else: sub_ids.append('') invoice_details = { 'created': invoice.created, 'receipt_number': invoice.receipt_number, 'invoice_number': invoice.number, 'paid_at': invoice.status_transitions.paid_at if invoice.paid else 0, 'period_start': invoice.period_start, 'period_end': invoice.period_end, 'billing_reason': invoice.billing_reason, 'discount': if else 0, 'total':, # to see how many line items we have in this invoice and # then later check if we have more than 1 'lines_data_count': len( if is not None else 0, 'invoice_id':, 'lines_meta_data_csv': ','.join( [line.metadata.VM_ID if hasattr(line.metadata, 'VM_ID') else '' for line in] ), 'subscription_ids_csv': ','.join(sub_ids), 'line_items': } starting_after = return_list.append(invoice_details) return return_list @handle_stripe_error def get_cards_details_from_token(self, token): stripe_token = stripe.Token.retrieve(token) card_details = { 'last4': stripe_token.card.last4, 'brand': stripe_token.card.brand, 'exp_month': stripe_token.card.exp_month, 'exp_year': stripe_token.card.exp_year, 'fingerprint': stripe_token.card.fingerprint, 'card_id': } return card_details def check_customer(self, stripe_cus_api_id, user, token): try: customer = stripe.Customer.retrieve(stripe_cus_api_id) except stripe.error.InvalidRequestError: customer = self.create_customer(token,, user.stripecustomer.stripe_id = customer.get( 'response_object').get('id') if type(customer) is dict: customer = customer['response_object'] return customer @handle_stripe_error def get_customer(self, stripe_api_cus_id): customer = stripe.Customer.retrieve(stripe_api_cus_id) # data = customer.get('response_object') return customer @handle_stripe_error def create_customer(self, token, email, name=None, address=None): if name is None or name.strip() == "": name = email customer = self.stripe.Customer.create( source=token, description=name, email=email, address=address ) return customer @handle_stripe_error def make_charge(self, amount=None, customer=None): _amount = float(amount) amount = int(_amount * 100) # stripe amount unit, in cents charge = self.stripe.Charge.create( amount=amount, # in cents currency=self.CURRENCY, customer=customer ) return charge @staticmethod def _get_all_stripe_plans(): all_stripe_plans = client.get("/v1/stripe_plans") all_stripe_plans_set = set() if all_stripe_plans: all_stripe_plans_obj = all_stripe_plans.value if all_stripe_plans_obj and len(all_stripe_plans_obj['plans']) > 0: all_stripe_plans_set = set(all_stripe_plans_obj["plans"]) return all_stripe_plans_set @staticmethod def _save_all_stripe_plans(stripe_plans): client.put("/v1/stripe_plans", {"plans": list(stripe_plans)}) @handle_stripe_error def get_or_create_stripe_plan(self, product_name, amount, stripe_plan_id, interval=INTERVAL): """ This function checks if a StripePlan with the given stripe_plan_id already exists. If it exists then the function returns this object otherwise it creates a new StripePlan and returns the new object. :param amount: The amount in CHF cents :param product_name: The name of the Stripe plan (product) to be created. :param stripe_plan_id: The id of the Stripe plan to be created. Use get_stripe_plan_id_string function to obtain the name of the plan to be created :param interval: The interval for subscription {month, year}. Defaults to month if not provided :return: The StripePlan object if it exists else creates a Plan object in Stripe and a local StripePlan and returns it. Returns None in case of Stripe error """ _amount = float(amount) amount = int(_amount * 100) # stripe amount unit, in cents all_stripe_plans = self._get_all_stripe_plans() if stripe_plan_id in all_stripe_plans: logging.debug("{} plan exists in db.".format(stripe_plan_id)) else: logging.debug(("{} plan DOES NOT exist in db. " "Creating").format(stripe_plan_id)) try: plan_obj = self.stripe.Plan.retrieve(id=stripe_plan_id) logging.debug("{} plan exists in Stripe".format(stripe_plan_id)) all_stripe_plans.add(stripe_plan_id) except stripe.error.InvalidRequestError as e: if "No such plan" in str(e): logging.debug("Plan {} does not exist in Stripe, Creating") plan_obj = self.stripe.Plan.create( amount=amount, product={'name': product_name}, interval=interval, currency=self.CURRENCY, id=stripe_plan_id) logging.debug(self.PLAN_EXISTS_ERROR_MSG.format(stripe_plan_id)) all_stripe_plans.add(stripe_plan_id) self._save_all_stripe_plans(all_stripe_plans) return stripe_plan_id @handle_stripe_error def delete_stripe_plan(self, stripe_plan_id): """ Deletes the Plan in Stripe and also deletes the local db copy of the plan if it exists :param stripe_plan_id: The stripe plan id that needs to be deleted :return: True if the plan was deleted successfully from Stripe, False otherwise. """ return_value = False try: plan = self.stripe.Plan.retrieve(stripe_plan_id) plan.delete() return_value = True all_stripe_plans = self._get_all_stripe_plans() all_stripe_plans.remove(stripe_plan_id) self._save_all_stripe_plans(all_stripe_plans) except stripe.error.InvalidRequestError as e: if self.STRIPE_NO_SUCH_PLAN in str(e): logging.debug( self.PLAN_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERROR_MSG.format(stripe_plan_id)) return return_value @handle_stripe_error def subscribe_customer_to_plan(self, customer, plans, trial_end=None): """ Subscribes the given customer to the list of given plans :param customer: The stripe customer identifier :param plans: A list of stripe plans. :param trial_end: An integer representing when the Stripe subscription is supposed to end Ref: e.g. plans = [ { "plan": "dcl-v1-cpu-2-ram-5gb-ssd-10gb", }, ] :return: The subscription StripeObject """ subscription_result = self.stripe.Subscription.create( customer=customer, items=plans, trial_end=trial_end ) return subscription_result @handle_stripe_error def set_subscription_metadata(self, subscription_id, metadata): subscription = stripe.Subscription.retrieve(subscription_id) subscription.metadata = metadata @handle_stripe_error def unsubscribe_customer(self, subscription_id): """ Cancels a given subscription :param subscription_id: The Stripe subscription id string :return: """ sub = stripe.Subscription.retrieve(subscription_id) return sub.delete() @handle_stripe_error def make_payment(self, customer, amount, token): charge = self.stripe.Charge.create( amount=amount, # in cents currency=self.CURRENCY, customer=customer ) return charge @staticmethod def get_stripe_plan_id(cpu, ram, ssd, version, app='dcl', hdd=None, price=None): """ Returns the Stripe plan id string of the form `dcl-v1-cpu-2-ram-5gb-ssd-10gb` based on the input parameters :param cpu: The number of cores :param ram: The size of the RAM in GB :param ssd: The size of ssd storage in GB :param hdd: The size of hdd storage in GB :param version: The version of the Stripe plans :param app: The application to which the stripe plan belongs to. By default it is 'dcl' :param price: The price for this plan :return: A string of the form `dcl-v1-cpu-2-ram-5gb-ssd-10gb` """ dcl_plan_string = 'cpu-{cpu}-ram-{ram}gb-ssd-{ssd}gb'.format(cpu=cpu, ram=ram, ssd=ssd) if hdd is not None: dcl_plan_string = '{dcl_plan_string}-hdd-{hdd}gb'.format( dcl_plan_string=dcl_plan_string, hdd=hdd) stripe_plan_id_string = '{app}-v{version}-{plan}'.format( app=app, version=version, plan=dcl_plan_string ) if price is not None: stripe_plan_id_string_with_price = '{}-{}chf'.format( stripe_plan_id_string, round(price, 2) ) return stripe_plan_id_string_with_price else: return stripe_plan_id_string @staticmethod def get_vm_config_from_stripe_id(stripe_id): """ Given a string like "dcl-v1-cpu-2-ram-5gb-ssd-10gb" return different configuration params as a dict :param stripe_id|str :return: dict """ pattern = re.compile(r'^dcl-v(\d+)-cpu-(\d+)-ram-(\d+\.?\d*)gb-ssd-(\d+)gb-?(\d*\.?\d*)(chf)?$') match_res = pattern.match(stripe_id) if match_res is not None: price = None try: price = except IndexError: logging.debug("Did not find price in {}".format(stripe_id)) return { 'version':, 'cores':, 'ram':, 'ssd':, 'price': price } @staticmethod def get_stripe_plan_name(cpu, memory, disk_size, price): """ Returns the Stripe plan name :return: """ return "{cpu} Cores, {memory} GB RAM, {disk_size} GB SSD, " \ "{price} CHF".format( cpu=cpu, memory=memory, disk_size=disk_size, price=round(price, 2) ) @handle_stripe_error def set_subscription_meta_data(self, subscription_id, meta_data): """ Adds VM metadata to a subscription :param subscription_id: Stripe identifier for the subscription :param meta_data: A dict of meta data to be added :return: """ subscription = stripe.Subscription.retrieve(subscription_id) subscription.metadata = meta_data