cdist-manifests(7) ================== Nico Schottelius <> NAME ---- cdist-manifests - Map configuration to hosts DESCRIPTION ----------- Using the available types and shell language, you can create mappings of what should be configured on a host. ENTRYPOINT: $prefix/manifests/init unsorted: cache / objects - If cdist encounters type in manifest, a wrapper script is run, that creates a new entry in the cconfig database and adds attribute values. This defines a cconfig tree, that may look as follows: <hostname>/<type>/<id>/<parameters>: myhost/__file/cdist_bin/source myhost/__file/cdist_bin/destination ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENVIRONMENT ----------- The following variables are available in manifests: - __{explorer|fact}_{name} - __core_hostname: Hostname that we are deploying to - __core_localhostname: Hostname that we are deploying from EXAPMLES -------- COPYING ------- Copyright \(C) 2010-2011 Nico Schottelius. Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3).