import os import re import sys from cdist.core.pytypes import * class FileType(PythonType): def get_attribute(self, stat_file, attribute, value_should): if os.path.exists(stat_file): if re.match('[0-9]', value_should): index = 1 else: index = 2 with open(stat_file, 'r') as f: for line in f: if re.match(attribute + ":", line): fields = line.split() return fields[index] return None def set_attribute(self, attribute, value_should, destination): cmd = { 'group': 'chgrp', 'owner': 'chown', 'mode': 'chmod', } self.send_message("{} '{}'".format(cmd[attribute], value_should)) return "{} '{}' '{}'".format(cmd[attribute], value_should, destination) def type_manifest(self): yield from () def type_gencode(self): typeis = self.get_explorer('type') state_should = self.get_parameter('state') if state_should == 'exists' and typeis == 'file': return source = self.get_parameter('source') if source == '-': source = self.stdin_path destination = '/' + self.object_id if state_should == 'pre-exists': if source is not None: self.die('--source cannot be used with --state pre-exists') if typeis == 'file': return None else: self.die('File {} does not exist'.format(destination)) create_file = False upload_file = False set_attributes = False code = [] if state_should == 'present' or state_should == 'exists': if source is None: remote_stat = self.get_explorer('stat') if not remote_stat: create_file = True else: if os.path.exists(source): if typeis == 'file': local_cksum = self.run_local(['cksum', source, ]) local_cksum = local_cksum.split()[0] remote_cksum = self.get_explorer('cksum') remote_cksum = remote_cksum.split()[0] upload_file = local_cksum != remote_cksum else: upload_file = True else: self.die('Source {} does not exist'.format(source)) if create_file or upload_file: set_attributes = True tempfile_template = '{}.cdist.XXXXXXXXXX'.format(destination) destination_upload = self.run_remote( ["mktemp", tempfile_template, ]) if upload_file: self.transfer(source, destination_upload) code.append('rm -rf {}'.format(destination)) code.append('mv {} {}'.format(destination_upload, destination)) if state_should in ('present', 'exists', 'pre-exists', ): for attribute in ('group', 'owner', 'mode', ): if attribute in self.parameters: value_should = self.get_parameter(attribute) if attribute == 'mode': value_should = re.sub('^0', '', value_should) stat_file = self.get_explorer_file('stat') value_is = self.get_attribute(stat_file, attribute, value_should) if set_attributes or value_should != value_is: code.append(self.set_attribute(attribute, value_should, destination)) elif state_should == 'absent': if typeis == 'file': code.append('rm -f {}'.format(destination)) self.send_message('remove') else: self.die('Unknown state {}'.format(state_should)) return "\n".join(code)