- parameter/setting default from manifest - current bug - proposal 1: parameter/default/$name (for optional ones) - new way - catches --state absent|present - needs changes of types - also possible for explorer - support for it in core? - handling of ${o} $o "$o" ? - handling which variables? - introduction of "templating language" - aka macros - possible problems: - inconsistency - redoing shell functionality - raising expectations for more templating from users - possible benefit - no need for eval - once in core, not everytime in type - OTOH: one extra word. - a=$(cat $__object/parameter/name) vs. $(eval $(cat $__object/parameter/name)) - only possible for static defaults - --name overrides name not possible vs. object_id - Is this the only case???? - if yes: don't care. - possible solution: - echo '/$__object_id' > typename/parameter/default/name - eval $(cat $__object/parameter/name) - probably allows code injection - is possible anyway??? - $(cat /etc/shadow) - other eval side effects??? - none: go for it - some: have headache - many: don't do - proposal 2: 2 dbs (user input vs. stuff changable by type) - explicit 2nd db [parameter_user and parameter/] - not very clean (both agreed) - proposal 3: parameter are read-only - breaks current types (in core probably elsewhere) - can't enforce, but user is on his own => breaks, her problem + clean seperation between core and type (nico) - parameter belongs to type not core (steven) - proposal 4: core ignores changes in parameter/* of object - implicit 2nd db [see automagic below] - steven+++ - does not work with divergent emulator not being in core - because emulators primary db __is__ fs. 1 manifest: __foo bar == emulator echo present > $__global/object/__foo/bar/parameter/state # fails __foo bar == emulator ! automagic / filesystem ! fsproperty: - kill, write explicitly to disk - implicit/automatic writes/read to fs - explicit interfaces are better then implicit - same problems as in cdist 1.x to 2.x move! (environment!) - format on disk should not change/dictate code flow - degrade python to shell (nico++! steven--) - user should not care about python, ruby, .net or ASM implementation (steven++ nico++) ? proposal 1: diverge emulator / core - emulator verifies input - emulator writes to fs - core reads/syncs from/to fs before passing control to user ? proposal 2: emulator is dumb and passes data to core - core creates objects - no fs involved - core reads/syncs from/to fs before passing control to user - passing: - full objects via pickle - parameters only - how??? - unix socket? - not everywhere possible? - tcp / ip - not everywhere possible - chroot / local only - rfc 1149 - not everywhere possible - missing avian carriers - 0mq - not everywhere possible - not installed - shm (ipcs and friends) - not everywhere possible - no /dev/shm, different libraries? cleanups needed... - what speaks against FS? - emulator_input/.../ - nico: to fancy probably ! boolean implementation - nico: - parameters/boolean: document - argparse changes (consider parameters/boolean) - create - can be implemented with changes in emulator - use store_true, del if false => never seen by core - INDEPENDENT INDEPENDT OF FS.PROPERTIES!!111111! - emulator: - how much integrated into core - also: using CdistObject???? - dependency on filesystem: good (nico) | bad (steven) - singleton / support without object_id - logging divergent between emulator / core - no problem (nico) - may be helpful (steven)