create a new branch to ensure nothing breaks % git checkout -b 2.1_merge fetch latest upstream changes (change origin if you use another remote name for upstream cdist) % git fetch -v origin Now try to merge upstream into the new branch. % git merge origin/2.1 fix any conflicts that may have been occurred due to local changes and then **git add** and *git commit** those changes. As the types have a new location, **cdist/conf/** now, you have to move your own types there as well: % git mv conf/type/* cdist/conf/ The manifest location also changed, so move this one as well: % git mv conf/manifest/* cdist/conf/manifest/ Use **git status** to review the changes and ensure they are in the git database: % git commit -m "Move types and manifests for 2.1 migration" This should be everything necessary for a 2.1 migration. Test the result by running cdist on one of your staging hosts: % ./bin/cdist config -v staging-host You can now cleanup the empty conf/ directory: % rmdir conf/* && rmdir conf