import argparse import cdist import multiprocessing import os import logging import collections # set of beta sub-commands BETA_COMMANDS = set(('install', )) # set of beta arguments for sub-commands BETA_ARGS = { 'config': set(('jobs', )), } EPILOG = "Get cdist at" # Parser others can reuse parser = None _verbosity_level = { 0: logging.ERROR, 1: logging.WARNING, 2: logging.INFO, } _verbosity_level = collections.defaultdict( lambda: logging.DEBUG, _verbosity_level) def add_beta_command(cmd): BETA_COMMANDS.add(cmd) def add_beta_arg(cmd, arg): if cmd in BETA_ARGS: if arg not in BETA_ARGS[cmd]: BETA_ARGS[cmd].append(arg) else: BETA_ARGS[cmd] = set((arg, )) def check_beta(args_dict): if 'beta' not in args_dict: args_dict['beta'] = False # Check only if beta is not enabled: if beta option is specified then # raise error. if not args_dict['beta']: cmd = args_dict['command'] # first check if command is beta if cmd in BETA_COMMANDS: raise cdist.CdistBetaRequired(cmd) # then check if some command's argument is beta if cmd in BETA_ARGS: for arg in BETA_ARGS[cmd]: if arg in args_dict and args_dict[arg]: raise cdist.CdistBetaRequired(cmd, arg) def check_positive_int(value): import argparse try: val = int(value) except ValueError: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "{} is invalid int value".format(value)) if val <= 0: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError( "{} is invalid positive int value".format(val)) return val def get_parsers(): global parser # Construct parser others can reuse if parser: return parser else: parser = {} # Options _all_ parsers have in common parser['loglevel'] = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser['loglevel'].add_argument( '-d', '--debug', help=('Set log level to debug (deprecated, use -vvv instead)'), action='store_true', default=False) parser['loglevel'].add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', help=('Increase the verbosity level. Every instance of -v ' 'increments the verbosity level by one. Its default value ' 'is 0. There are 4 levels of verbosity. The order of levels ' 'from the lowest to the highest are: ERROR (0), ' 'WARNING (1), INFO (2) and DEBUG (3 or higher).'), action='count', default=0) parser['beta'] = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser['beta'].add_argument( '-b', '--beta', help=('Enable beta functionality. ' 'Can also be enabled using CDIST_BETA env var.'), action='store_true', dest='beta', default='CDIST_BETA' in os.environ) # Main subcommand parser parser['main'] = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='cdist ' + cdist.VERSION, parents=[parser['loglevel']]) parser['main'].add_argument( '-V', '--version', help='Show version', action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + cdist.VERSION) parser['sub'] = parser['main'].add_subparsers( title="Commands", dest="command") # Banner parser['banner'] = parser['sub'].add_parser( 'banner', parents=[parser['loglevel']]) parser['banner'].set_defaults(func=cdist.banner.banner) # Config parser['config_main'] = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser['config_main'].add_argument( '-c', '--conf-dir', help=('Add configuration directory (can be repeated, ' 'last one wins)'), action='append') parser['config_main'].add_argument( '-i', '--initial-manifest', help='path to a cdist manifest or \'-\' to read from stdin.', dest='manifest', required=False) parser['config_main'].add_argument( '-j', '--jobs', nargs='?', type=check_positive_int, help=('Specify the maximum number of parallel jobs. Global' 'explorers, object prepare and object run are supported' '(currently in beta'), action='store', dest='jobs', const=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) parser['config_main'].add_argument( '-n', '--dry-run', help='do not execute code', action='store_true') parser['config_main'].add_argument( '-o', '--out-dir', help='directory to save cdist output in', dest="out_path") # remote-copy and remote-exec defaults are environment variables # if set; if not then None - these will be futher handled after # parsing to determine implementation default parser['config_main'].add_argument( '--remote-copy', help='Command to use for remote copy (should behave like scp)', action='store', dest='remote_copy', default=os.environ.get('CDIST_REMOTE_COPY')) parser['config_main'].add_argument( '--remote-exec', help=('Command to use for remote execution ' '(should behave like ssh)'), action='store', dest='remote_exec', default=os.environ.get('CDIST_REMOTE_EXEC')) # Config parser['config_args'] = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser['config_args'].add_argument( 'host', nargs='*', help='host(s) to operate on') parser['config_args'].add_argument( '-f', '--file', help=('Read specified file for a list of additional hosts to ' 'operate on or if \'-\' is given, read stdin (one host per ' 'line). If no host or host file is specified then, by ' 'default, read hosts from stdin.'), dest='hostfile', required=False) parser['config_args'].add_argument( '-p', '--parallel', help='operate on multiple hosts in parallel', action='store_true', dest='parallel') parser['config_args'].add_argument( '-r', '--remote-out-dir', help='Directory to save cdist output in on the target host', dest="remote_out_path") parser['config_args'].add_argument( '-s', '--sequential', help='operate on multiple hosts sequentially (default)', action='store_false', dest='parallel') parser['config'] = parser['sub'].add_parser( 'config', parents=[parser['loglevel'], parser['beta'], parser['config_main'], parser['config_args']]) parser['config'].set_defaults(func=cdist.config.Config.commandline) # Install parser['install'] = parser['sub'].add_parser('install', add_help=False, parents=[parser['config']]) parser['install'].set_defaults(func=cdist.install.Install.commandline) # Shell parser['shell'] = parser['sub'].add_parser( 'shell', parents=[parser['loglevel']]) parser['shell'].add_argument( '-s', '--shell', help=('Select shell to use, defaults to current shell. Used shell' ' should be POSIX compatible shell.')) parser['shell'].set_defaults( for p in parser: parser[p].epilog = EPILOG return parser def handle_loglevel(args): if args.debug: retval = "-d/--debug is deprecated, use -vvv instead" args.verbose = 3 else: retval = None logging.root.setLevel(_verbosity_level[args.verbose]) return retval