{% if this.header_background_color %} {% set nav_style = 'background-color:' + this.header_background_color + ';' %} {% set nav_classes = this.nav_classes %} {% else %} {% set nav_classes = 'navbar-light bg-light' %} {% endif %} {# Priority: If slider given, take slider. If headline1/2/3 given, take the headline. Else default to boxed title + subtitle #} {% if this.headline1 or this.headline2 or this.headline3 %}

{% if this.headline1 %} {{this.headline1}} {% endif %} {% if this.headline2 %}
{{this.headline2}} {% endif %} {% if this.headline3 %}
{{this.headline3}} {% endif %}

{% else %}

{{ self.title() }}

{% block subtitle %}{% endblock %}

{% endif %} {% block content %}{% endblock %}