title: List of Coronavirus (COVID19) Chats --- pub_date: 2020-03-22 --- author: Nico Schottelius --- twitter_handle: NicoSchottelius --- _hidden: no --- _discoverable: yes --- abstract: List of coronavirus chats --- body: Instead of meeting in person, you can chat with others about your coronavirus thoughts. It is available in the following languages: * [Auf Deutsch](/u/blog/deutschsprachiger-coronavirus-chat/) **#covid-19-de:ungleich.ch** * [In English](/u/blog/work-from-home-work-remote-with-matrix/) **#covid-19:ungleich.ch** * [En Français](/u/blog/coronavirus-chat-francais/) **#covid-19-fr:ungleich.ch** * [한국어](/u/blog/coronavirus-chat-korean-hangul/) **#covid-19-kr:ungleich.ch** All channels are available via the open Matrix chat and can be joined with an account from any Matrix server. Details can be found in the links.