title: What I deployed on IPv6 this week --- pub_date: 2020-02-26 --- author: ungleich IPv6 team --- twitter_handle: ungleich --- _hidden: no --- _discoverable: yes --- abstract: A real life IPv6 web log. --- body: IPv6 is growing and everyone in the IPv6 community contributing to it. This article is dedicated to show what **you** have done with IPv6 or where you have enabled IPv6 this week. ## Your story here Do you have something interesting to share? Either send your short story to **ipv6** at **ungleich.ch** with the subject *What I deployed on IPv6 this week* or submit a merge request to [the ungleich-staticcms repo](https://code.ungleich.ch/ungleich-public/ungleich-staticcms) (account can be created on https://account.ungleich.ch). Anything IPv6 related is welcome! ## 2020-02-26, Nico Schottelius I have deployed a prototype of [uncloud v2](https://code.ungleich.ch/nico/meow-pay) on the IPv6 only host **manager.place7.ungleich.ch** that serves as a test bed for migrating the OpenNebula based virtualisation to uncloud. ## More of it Feel free to join the discussion on the [IPv6.chat](../../projects/ipv6-chat).