title: 2020 is the year of IPv6 --- pub_date: 2020-08-07 --- author: ungleich --- twitter_handle: ungleich --- _hidden: no --- _discoverable: no --- abstract: IPv6 is beginning to take off in 2020 --- body: When is IPv6 beginning to matter? When is IPv6 taking off? These are questions that we debate in the IPv6 community at meetings and online. For us, 2020 has already become the year of IPv6, even way before it is ending. ## IPv6 traffic reached more than 33% (1/3) of traffic to Google Acccording to google, IPv6 search traffic already exceeds 33%: ![](/u/image/google-ipv6-2020-08-07.png) The recent growth this year is also attributed to people more working from home, where IPv6 is already more present than in business connections. 33% - this is clearly not yet 100%, however it means that every third search request is made using IPv6. ## Some countries passed the 50% IPv6 deployment status [India](https://stats.labs.apnic.net/ipv6/IN), [Belgium](https://stats.labs.apnic.net/ipv6/BE), [the US](https://stats.labs.apnic.net/ipv6/US) and [Malaysa](https://stats.labs.apnic.net/ipv6/MY) - all of them have passed the 50% IPv6 deployment mark. **India even surpassed the 70% mark!** And [Greece](https://stats.labs.apnic.net/ipv6/GR) and [Germany](https://stats.labs.apnic.net/ipv6/DE) are not far from passing the 50% mark (while we in [Switzerland](https://stats.labs.apnic.net/ipv6/CH) only passed the 40% mark...). In other words: if you are living or travelling to above countries, you have a good chance of getting IPv6 - and it's growing. ## IPv6 community is active and growing At the moment there are so many cool IPv6 projects and communities around, as many as we have never seen active before. Let us list some projects we are aware of: * [IPv6 Buzz](https://packetpushers.net/series/ipv6-buzz/) by Ed Horley, Scott Hogg, and Tom Coffeen * [The IPv6 Chat on Matrix and IRC](/u/projects/ipv6-chat/) * [The APNIC blog](https://blog.apnic.net/) * [RIPE labs](https://labs.ripe.net/) * [IPv6 on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/ipv6/) * [Afrinic is offering education](https://learn.afrinic.net/) * [The IPv6 blog](https://ipv6.blog/) is a community maintained link collection - add your IPv6 resources there! * .. and probably many more! Did we miss a community? Just [let us know about it](/u/contact/). ## IPv6 hardware/software support improving For many years we have been watching IPv6 support in (network) hardware and open source software. And while not every everything is fixed, many pain points have been solved. And what is even better: even if your network equipment does not nicely work with IPv6, a lot of equipment can now be made IPv6 usable just by flashing [OpenWRT](https://openwrt.org/). ## IPv6 everywhere You might have heard the claims of our CEO, Nico Schottelius, that you can have IPv6 everywhere. This year at ungleich we released the [VIIRB](u/products/viirb-ipv6-box/), the world's smallest IPv6 router. ![](/u/image/viirb-strawberry.jpeg) This device is so easy and so small that you really don't have an excuse for not having IPv6: power it on, plug it into an IPv4 only network: all devices in your network have IPv6 via autoconfiguration. ## IPv6 in 2020 So in 2020, you can go out, connect yourself anywhere with IPv6, talk about it to many people and get your software easily up and running. Oh, and if you think it is just us, we are not the only ones who think [the attitude towards IPv6 changed!](https://blog.apnic.net/2020/08/03/ipv4-ipv6-and-a-sudden-change-in-attitude/).