title: 100% automated, official certificates for your Docker container --- pub_date: 2019-12-15 --- author: ungleich virtualisation team --- twitter_handle: ungleich --- _hidden: yes --- _discoverable: no --- abstract: Docker containers can now run fully https secured. --- body: ## TL;DR Run ``` id=$(docker run -d ungleich/nginx-letsencrypt-ipv6) docker logs ${id} 2>/dev/null | grep "^Getting certificate" ``` to create a docker container with full https enabled. **Attention:** You do need to [enable IPv6 in docker before](https://ungleich.ch/u/blog/how-to-enable-ipv6-in-docker/). ## How it works Any computer with a valid IPv6 address can retrieve a valid certificate from [letsencrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/). This is possible due to the [has-a.name](https://ungleich.ch/u/blog/has-a-name-for-every-ipv6-address/) domain, which gives a name to **every possible IPv6 address out there**. In the docker container we retrieve its IPv6 address, turn it into a name and then request a certificate from letsencrypt. ## How is this useful? Finally all your docker containers can be world wide reachable, fully secured without any manual configuration required. This way you can expose in-development containers directly to your customer or even locally test with https instead of http. ## Why is this great? This is the first service that allows you to fully automated https on any docker container without manual intervention. You can just fire it up and https is running with an official certificate. ## Developing on top of it You can also build your own container based on the [ungleich/nginx-letsencrypt-ipv6 container](https://hub.docker.com/r/ungleich/nginx-letsencrypt-ipv6). Simply use the standard **FROM** statement in your dockerfile and enjoy a read-to-use-https-container.