title: Digital Glarus --- image: /u/image/cards/digitalglarus.png --- subtitle: Using digitalisation for the good --- content: ## Introduction [Digital Glarus](https://digitalglarus.ch) is an umbrella project to support the local community to profit from the digitalisation and to support the digital community to profit from the amazing opportunities in the [Canton of Glarus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glarus). ## What we are doing In 2015 we opened the first coworking space of Glarus in Schwanden, the **Digital Chalet**. It was not only the first coworking space, it is also the first building that was equipped with a direct fiber line, initially giving access to a 1 Gbit/s line. Two days after opening, the first offsite happened. Our goal in 2015 was already to give people the opportunity to stay in a pretty place and still be connected to a big city like Zurich. Since we opened in 2015, we welcomed many students (usually from the [university of Zurich](https://www.uzh.ch/) or [ETH Zurich](https://ethz.ch)) from a lot of different countries (Canada, Scotland, Greece, Germany, Slovakia, ...) in the Digital Chalet. We also organise [various meetups](https://www.meetup.com/Digital-Glarus-Business-Technology/) with technical and business topics. Due to the Digital Chalet getting crowded, we opened a new location in 2019: the [Hacking Hotel](/u/projects/hacking-hotel). We plan to turn the Hacking Hotel into a school and will offer first courses in 2020. ## How you can participate If you are interested in joining us, you can contact us by mail (info at digitalglarus.ch), [chat](https://chat.with.ungleich.ch) or even by phone (+41 55 505 62 66). It is possible to visit us for a day or two, or like many have, to stay longer and even stay with us permanently.