_discoverable: no --- _hidden: no --- title: Demo product --- subtitle: Using all possible fields --- description1: This is the first markdown description block --- description2: This is the second markdown description block --- description3: This is the third markdown description block --- description4: This is the fourth markdown description block --- description5: This is the fifth markdown description block --- link: https://link-to-the-real-product.ch --- feature1_title: Title of first feature --- feature1_text: The text for the first feature --- feature2_title: Title of second feature --- feature2_text: The text for second feature --- feature3_title: Title of third feature --- feature3_text: The text for the third feature --- content1_text: Text of the first content area --- content1_image: https://ungleich.ch/u/image/ipv4nat.png --- content2_text: Text of the second content area --- content2_image: https://ungleich.ch/u/image/ipv4nat.png --- offer1_title: Title of first offer --- offer1_text: The text for the first offer --- offer1_link: https://ungleich.ch --- offer2_title: Title of second offer --- offer2_text: The text for the second offer --- offer2_link: https://ungleich.ch --- offer3_title: Title of third offer --- offer3_text: The text for the third offer --- offer3_link: https://ungleich.ch --- description: The real field [Nico](https://www.nico.schottelius.org) wants to use! ---