In case when name contains package name with exact version specified (e.g. rpm-build-4.11.3)
rpm -q --whatprovides "$pkg_name"
will tell you that no package could provide you with 'rpm-build-4.11.3',
because it's not virtual or file-provide, but exact package name.
This will lead to the installation of the package which was already installed.
It slows down manifest execution a lot.
My change will keep previous behaviour which relies on --whatprovides and
will fix wrong behaviour when argument is full package name with version.
This commit adds the following features:
* Ability to expand existing certificate
* Ability to manage object state
* Ability to obtain test certificate
* Ability to promote test certificate to production
* Ability to specify custom certificate name
* Ability to specify multiple domains per certificate
* Ability to use Certbot in standalone mode
* Messaging
This commit also introduces the following behavioral changes:
* Attempt to install Certbot only when it is not installed
* Installation of the cron job has to be enabled using
`--automatic-renewal` parameter
**Note:** Object ID is now treated as certificate name and new
required parameter `--domain` was added.
Before this fix, the explorer returned binary data when config did
not exist.
This commit also removes dependency on jq and sets executable flag
on the explorer file.
Error before:
---- BEGIN code-remote:stderr ----
insserv: warning: script 'consul' missing LSB tags and overrides
insserv: There is a loop between service monit and consul if stopped
insserv: loop involving service consul at depth 2
insserv: loop involving service monit at depth 1
insserv: Stopping consul depends on monit and therefore on system facility `$all' which can not be true!
insserv: exiting now without changing boot order!
update-rc.d: error: insserv rejected the script header
- `--state` allows to remove a deb-package, if `--purge-if-absent` is
specified the package is purged instead of "only" removed
- messaging was added
- man-page updated accordingly