#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # 2010-2013 Nico Schottelius (nico-cdist at schottelius.org) # # This file is part of cdist. # # cdist is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # cdist is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with cdist. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # import logging import os import shutil import sys import time import pprint import cdist import cdist.exec.local import cdist.exec.remote from cdist import core class Config(object): """Cdist main class to hold arbitrary data""" def __init__(self, local, remote, dry_run=False): self.local = local self.remote = remote self.log = logging.getLogger(self.local.target_host) self.dry_run = dry_run self.explorer = core.Explorer(self.local.target_host, self.local, self.remote) self.manifest = core.Manifest(self.local.target_host, self.local) self.code = core.Code(self.local.target_host, self.local, self.remote) def _init_files_dirs(self): """Prepare files and directories for the run""" self.local.create_files_dirs() self.remote.create_files_dirs() @classmethod def commandline(cls, args): """Configure remote system""" import multiprocessing # FIXME: Refactor relict - remove later log = logging.getLogger("cdist") initial_manifest_tempfile = None if args.manifest == '-': # read initial manifest from stdin import tempfile try: handle, initial_manifest_temp_path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='cdist.stdin.') with os.fdopen(handle, 'w') as fd: fd.write(sys.stdin.read()) except (IOError, OSError) as e: raise cdist.Error("Creating tempfile for stdin data failed: %s" % e) args.manifest = initial_manifest_temp_path import atexit atexit.register(lambda: os.remove(initial_manifest_temp_path)) process = {} failed_hosts = [] time_start = time.time() for host in args.host: if args.parallel: log.debug("Creating child process for %s", host) process[host] = multiprocessing.Process(target=cls.onehost, args=(host, args, True)) process[host].start() else: try: cls.onehost(host, args, parallel=False) except cdist.Error as e: failed_hosts.append(host) # Catch errors in parallel mode when joining if args.parallel: for host in process.keys(): log.debug("Joining process %s", host) process[host].join() if not process[host].exitcode == 0: failed_hosts.append(host) time_end = time.time() log.info("Total processing time for %s host(s): %s", len(args.host), (time_end - time_start)) if len(failed_hosts) > 0: raise cdist.Error("Failed to configure the following hosts: " + " ".join(failed_hosts)) @classmethod def onehost(cls, host, args, parallel): """Configure ONE system""" log = logging.getLogger(host) try: local = cdist.exec.local.Local( target_host=host, initial_manifest=args.manifest, base_path=args.out_path, add_conf_dirs=args.conf_dir) remote = cdist.exec.remote.Remote( target_host=host, remote_exec=args.remote_exec, remote_copy=args.remote_copy, base_path=args.remote_out_path) c = cls(local, remote, dry_run=args.dry_run) c.run() except cdist.Error as e: log.error(e) if parallel: # We are running in our own process here, need to sys.exit! sys.exit(1) else: raise except KeyboardInterrupt: # Ignore in parallel mode, we are existing anyway if parallel: sys.exit(0) # Pass back to controlling code in sequential mode else: raise def run(self): """Do what is most often done: deploy & cleanup""" start_time = time.time() self._init_files_dirs() self.explorer.run_global_explorers(self.local.global_explorer_out_path) self.manifest.run_initial_manifest(self.local.initial_manifest) self.iterate_until_finished() self.local.save_cache() self.log.info("Finished successful run in %s seconds", time.time() - start_time) def object_list(self): """Short name for object list retrieval""" for cdist_object in core.CdistObject.list_objects(self.local.object_path, self.local.type_path): if cdist_object.cdist_type.is_install: self.log.debug("Running in config mode, ignoring install object: {0}".format(cdist_object)) else: yield cdist_object def iterate_once(self): """ Iterate over the objects once - helper method for iterate_until_finished """ objects_changed = False for cdist_object in self.object_list(): if cdist_object.requirements_unfinished(cdist_object.requirements): """We cannot do anything for this poor object""" continue if cdist_object.state == core.CdistObject.STATE_UNDEF: """Prepare the virgin object""" self.object_prepare(cdist_object) objects_changed = True if cdist_object.requirements_unfinished(cdist_object.autorequire): """The previous step created objects we depend on - wait for them""" continue if cdist_object.state == core.CdistObject.STATE_PREPARED: self.object_run(cdist_object) objects_changed = True return objects_changed def iterate_until_finished(self): """ Go through all objects and solve them one after another """ objects_changed = True while objects_changed: objects_changed = self.iterate_once() # Check whether all objects have been finished unfinished_objects = [] for cdist_object in self.object_list(): if not cdist_object.state == cdist_object.STATE_DONE: unfinished_objects.append(cdist_object) if unfinished_objects: info_string = [] for cdist_object in unfinished_objects: requirement_names = [] autorequire_names = [] for requirement in cdist_object.requirements_unfinished(cdist_object.requirements): requirement_names.append(requirement.name) for requirement in cdist_object.requirements_unfinished(cdist_object.autorequire): autorequire_names.append(requirement.name) requirements = "\n ".join(requirement_names) autorequire = "\n ".join(autorequire_names) info_string.append("%s requires:\n %s\n%s autorequires:\n %s" % (cdist_object.name, requirements, cdist_object.name, autorequire)) raise cdist.UnresolvableRequirementsError("The requirements of the following objects could not be resolved:\n%s" % ("\n".join(info_string))) def object_prepare(self, cdist_object): """Prepare object: Run type explorer + manifest""" self.log.info("Running manifest and explorers for " + cdist_object.name) self.explorer.run_type_explorers(cdist_object) self.manifest.run_type_manifest(cdist_object) cdist_object.state = core.CdistObject.STATE_PREPARED def object_run(self, cdist_object): """Run gencode and code for an object""" self.log.debug("Trying to run object %s" % (cdist_object.name)) if cdist_object.state == core.CdistObject.STATE_DONE: raise cdist.Error("Attempting to run an already finished object: %s", cdist_object) cdist_type = cdist_object.cdist_type # Generate self.log.info("Generating code for %s" % (cdist_object.name)) cdist_object.code_local = self.code.run_gencode_local(cdist_object) cdist_object.code_remote = self.code.run_gencode_remote(cdist_object) if cdist_object.code_local or cdist_object.code_remote: cdist_object.changed = True # Execute if not self.dry_run: if cdist_object.code_local or cdist_object.code_remote: self.log.info("Executing code for %s" % (cdist_object.name)) if cdist_object.code_local: self.code.run_code_local(cdist_object) if cdist_object.code_remote: self.code.transfer_code_remote(cdist_object) self.code.run_code_remote(cdist_object) else: self.log.info("Skipping code execution due to DRY RUN") # Mark this object as done self.log.debug("Finishing run of " + cdist_object.name) cdist_object.state = core.CdistObject.STATE_DONE