Steven, Nico (ETH office) - Try out patch for dependency resolver changing from [nico] - Add tests - Cleanup code: - remove all old resolver parts (including tests!) - remve wildcard matching pattern code - Cache: [nobody] - Should cache be usable by types? - Should all run outputs be stored? - Different caches for install and config - Replace fsproperties with cconfig [steven] - Maybe support "rerun from previous version (cache)"? [nobody] - need to include initial manifest(s!) - copy/link types - save remote-{exec,copy} parameters (copy or save argument list) - cdist replay / oldconfig ? - Support diffing two configurations [nobody] - cdist diff ? - Nested Types [both] - Motivation: - Put everything related into one directory - Have a look at it when Arkaitz pushes out pull request - Implementations: 1) Arkaitz Folder structure Call Object __package/ __package abc __package/abc __package/type/pkg __package.pkg abc __package.pkg/abc __package/type/pkg/type/green abc ... __package.pkg __package.pkg abc __package.pkg/abc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ => Need to forbid types with "." in the name! 2) Steven (earlier version) Folder structure Call Object __package/.type __package abc __package/abc __package/pkg/.type __package.pkg abc __package.pkg/abc __package/pkg/green/.type abc - Clashes: - if __<type>.<name> and __<type> and subtype <name> exist both (in both implementations) - Install [nobody] - Merge into master? - Needs some cleanups - PreOS [nobody] - cdist preos / preos-generate --output=<dir-or-filename> --arch=[i386|amd64|arm??] --type=[usb, cdrom/iso, floppy, pxe] --other-params (?) - Maybe implement using cdist config indirectly and a type __preos - Can be: - Internally only (devs) - Usable by end users - Requirements: - git - buildchain - toolchain for target arch - ...