cdist-type__nop(7) ================== NAME ---- cdist-type__nop - Do nothing, but allow dependencies to be specified. DESCRIPTION ----------- If one has a type without any logic in the ``manifest`` (i.e. only some ``gencode-*`` logic), that depends on some other type, there are two ways make sure the dependencies taken into consideration: - Either remember to specify them "externally" *every time*, wherever and whenever those types are used - Include a ``manifest`` in the *dependent* type, that does something useless (or even nothing) This type provides a convenient solution for the latter one. It is guaranteed to have no effect on the target host, but it provides an 'anchor point' for type-writers to include in an otherwise empty ``manifest``. PARAMETERS ---------- None. The ``$__object_id`` is required though, so the type can be used several times. EXAMPLES -------- Let's assume type ``__eggs`` depends on type ``__spam``, but has nothing in it's ``manifest``. In the simplest case, it's manifest can contain this: .. code-block:: sh __spam If, ``__spam`` has parameters, however, one would resort to this at the place of use: .. code-block:: sh __spam --foo bar require="__spam" __ham --baz Or by using the ``__nop`` type, simply do away with the ``require``, and update ``__ham/manifest`` to specify the dependency: .. code-block:: sh require="__spam" __nop $__object_id In this case, when the type is used, the depencency is automatic, and one could simply write: .. code-block:: sh __spam --foo bar __ham --baz AUTHORS ------- Daniel Fancsali COPYING ------- Copyright \(C) 2021 Daniel Fancsali. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.