## IPv6 only kubernetes clusters This project is testing, deploying and using IPv6 only k8s clusters. ## Docs * [Setting up the cluster with calico](v3-calico/README.md) * [Bootstrapping Rook](rook/README.md) ## Working * networking (calico) * ceph with rook (cephfs, rbd) ## Not (yet) working or tested * virtualisation (VMs, kubevirt) * letsencrypt * network policies * prometheus in the cluster * argocd (?) for CI and upgrades * Maybe LoadBalancer support (our ClusterIP already does that though) * (Other) DNS entrys for services ## Cluster setup * Calico CNI with BGP peering to our upstream infrastructure * Rook for RBD and CephFS support ### Init We are using a custom kubeadm.conf to * configure the cgroupdriver * configure the IP addresses ``` kubeadm init --config v3-calico/kubeadm-config-p7-v2.yaml ```