# 2010-2011 Nico Schottelius (nico-cdist at schottelius.org)
# This file is part of cdist.
# cdist is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# cdist is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with cdist. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# For each created object
# run the manifest of the type (with object id),
# try to merge back newly created objects (otherwise fail),
# mark the object as being run
# and iterate until all objects are marked being run.

. cdist-config
[ $# -eq 1 ] || __cdist_usage "<target host>"
set -eu

__cdist_target_host="$1"; shift


# Loop until we do not create new objects anymore
# which is equal to all objects have been run
while [ "$__cdist_new_objects_created" = "y"  ]; do
   # Assume we're done after this run

   __cdist_object_list "$__cdist_out_object_dir" > "$__cdist_objects_list"

   # Check every object, if we need to run it
   while read __cdist_object; do
      # Full path to current object
      # Only the id
      __cdist_object_id="$(__cdist_object_id_from_object "$__cdist_object")"

      if [ ! -f "${__cdist_cur_object_dir}/$__cdist_name_object_finished" ]; then
         echo "Checking manifest for ${__cdist_object} ..."

         __cdist_type="$(__cdist_type_from_object "$__cdist_object")"

         # Make __cdist_manifest available for cdist-type-emulator
         export __cdist_manifest

         if [ -x "${__cdist_manifest}" ]; then
            echo "Executing manifest ${__cdist_manifest} ..."

            # Make variables available to non-core
            export $__cdist_name_var_object="$__cdist_cur_object_dir"
            export $__cdist_name_var_object_id="$__cdist_object_id"
            export $__cdist_name_var_type="$(__cdist_type_dir "$__cdist_type")"

            cdist-manifest-run "$__cdist_target_host" "$__cdist_manifest" \

            __cdist_object_list "${__cdist_new_objects_dir}" > "$__cdist_new_objects_list"

            # Verify no conflicting objects have been created
            while read __cdist_new_object; do
               grep -q "^$__cdist_new_object\$" "$__cdist_objects_list" && \
                  __cdist_exit_err "${__cdist_manifest}: Tried to recreate ${__cdist_new_object}"
            done < "$__cdist_new_objects_list"

            # Safe harbour: We can merge all objects into main tree
            # Merge = mkdir + mv parameters and source information
            while read __cdist_new_object; do
                [ "$__cdist_new_objects_created" = "n" ] && __cdist_new_objects_created="y"
               # where to save the newly created object
               mkdir -p "$__cdist_object_dir"

               # Move parts of the object (CANNOT MOVE COMPLETLEY, HIERACHY!)

               # Source
               mv "${__cdist_new_object_dir}/${__cdist_name_object_source}" \

               # Parameter
               if [ -d "${__cdist_new_object_dir}/${__cdist_name_parameter}" ]; then
                  mv "${__cdist_new_object_dir}/${__cdist_name_parameter}" \

               # Explorer
               if [ -d "${__cdist_new_object_dir}/${__cdist_name_explorer}" ]; then
                  mv "${__cdist_new_object_dir}/${__cdist_name_explorer}" \
            done < "$__cdist_new_objects_list"

            # Remove listing and objects, otherwise the next type will reuse it...
            rm -rf "$__cdist_new_objects_dir" "$__cdist_new_objects_list"
            # Be nice, warn user if manifests exists, but is not executable
            if [ -f "${__cdist_manifest}" ]; then
               echo "Warning ${__cdist_manifest} exists, but is not executable." >&2

      # done with this object
      touch "$__cdist_cur_object_dir/$__cdist_name_object_finished"
   done < "$__cdist_objects_list"