""" This module contain classes thats validates and intercept/modify data coming from ucloud-cli (user) It was primarily developed as an alternative to argument parser of Flask_Restful which is going to be deprecated. I also tried marshmallow for that purpose but it was an overkill (because it do validation + serialization + deserialization) and little inflexible for our purpose. """ # TODO: Fix error message when user's mentioned VM (referred by name) # does not exists. # # Currently, it says uuid is a required field. import json import os import bitmath from ucloud.common.host import HostStatus from ucloud.common.vm import VMStatus from ucloud.shared import shared from ucloud.settings import settings from . import helper, logger from .common_fields import Field, VmUUIDField from .helper import check_otp, resolve_vm_name class BaseSchema: def __init__(self, data, fields=None): _ = data # suppress linter warning self.__errors = [] if fields is None: self.fields = [] else: self.fields = fields def validation(self): # custom validation is optional return True def is_valid(self): for field in self.fields: field.is_valid() self.add_field_errors(field) for parent in self.__class__.__bases__: try: parent.validation(self) except AttributeError: pass if not self.__errors: self.validation() if self.__errors: return False return True def get_errors(self): return {"message": self.__errors} def add_field_errors(self, field: Field): self.__errors += field.get_errors() def add_error(self, error): self.__errors.append(error) class OTPSchema(BaseSchema): def __init__(self, data: dict, fields=None): self.name = Field("name", str, data.get("name", KeyError)) self.realm = Field("realm", str, data.get("realm", KeyError)) self.token = Field("token", str, data.get("token", KeyError)) _fields = [self.name, self.realm, self.token] if fields: _fields += fields super().__init__(data=data, fields=_fields) def validation(self): if check_otp(self.name.value, self.realm.value, self.token.value) != 200: self.add_error("Wrong Credentials") ########################## Image Operations ############################################### class CreateImageSchema(BaseSchema): def __init__(self, data): # Fields self.uuid = Field("uuid", str, data.get("uuid", KeyError)) self.name = Field("name", str, data.get("name", KeyError)) self.image_store = Field("image_store", str, data.get("image_store", KeyError)) # Validations self.uuid.validation = self.file_uuid_validation self.image_store.validation = self.image_store_name_validation # All Fields fields = [self.uuid, self.name, self.image_store] super().__init__(data, fields) def file_uuid_validation(self): file_entry = shared.etcd_client.get(os.path.join(settings['etcd']['file_prefix'], self.uuid.value)) if file_entry is None: self.add_error( "Image File with uuid '{}' Not Found".format(self.uuid.value) ) def image_store_name_validation(self): image_stores = list(shared.etcd_client.get_prefix(settings['etcd']['image_store_prefix'])) image_store = next( filter( lambda s: json.loads(s.value)["name"] == self.image_store.value, image_stores, ), None, ) if not image_store: self.add_error("Store '{}' does not exists".format(self.image_store.value)) # Host Operations class CreateHostSchema(OTPSchema): def __init__(self, data): self.parsed_specs = {} # Fields self.specs = Field("specs", dict, data.get("specs", KeyError)) self.hostname = Field("hostname", str, data.get("hostname", KeyError)) # Validation self.specs.validation = self.specs_validation fields = [self.hostname, self.specs] super().__init__(data=data, fields=fields) def specs_validation(self): ALLOWED_BASE = 10 _cpu = self.specs.value.get('cpu', KeyError) _ram = self.specs.value.get('ram', KeyError) _os_ssd = self.specs.value.get('os-ssd', KeyError) _hdd = self.specs.value.get('hdd', KeyError) if KeyError in [_cpu, _ram, _os_ssd, _hdd]: self.add_error("You must specify CPU, RAM and OS-SSD in your specs") return None try: parsed_ram = bitmath.parse_string_unsafe(_ram) parsed_os_ssd = bitmath.parse_string_unsafe(_os_ssd) if parsed_ram.base != ALLOWED_BASE: self.add_error("Your specified RAM is not in correct units") if parsed_os_ssd.base != ALLOWED_BASE: self.add_error("Your specified OS-SSD is not in correct units") if _cpu < 1: self.add_error("CPU must be atleast 1") if parsed_ram < bitmath.GB(1): self.add_error("RAM must be atleast 1 GB") if parsed_os_ssd < bitmath.GB(10): self.add_error("OS-SSD must be atleast 10 GB") parsed_hdd = [] for hdd in _hdd: _parsed_hdd = bitmath.parse_string_unsafe(hdd) if _parsed_hdd.base != ALLOWED_BASE: self.add_error("Your specified HDD is not in correct units") break else: parsed_hdd.append(str(_parsed_hdd)) except ValueError: # TODO: Find some good error message self.add_error("Specs are not correct.") else: if self.get_errors(): self.specs = { 'cpu': _cpu, 'ram': str(parsed_ram), 'os-ssd': str(parsed_os_ssd), 'hdd': parsed_hdd } def validation(self): if self.realm.value != "ungleich-admin": self.add_error("Invalid Credentials/Insufficient Permission") # VM Operations class CreateVMSchema(OTPSchema): def __init__(self, data): self.parsed_specs = {} # Fields self.specs = Field("specs", dict, data.get("specs", KeyError)) self.vm_name = Field("vm_name", str, data.get("vm_name", KeyError)) self.image = Field("image", str, data.get("image", KeyError)) self.network = Field("network", list, data.get("network", KeyError)) # Validation self.image.validation = self.image_validation self.vm_name.validation = self.vm_name_validation self.specs.validation = self.specs_validation self.network.validation = self.network_validation fields = [self.vm_name, self.image, self.specs, self.network] super().__init__(data=data, fields=fields) def image_validation(self): try: image_uuid = helper.resolve_image_name(self.image.value, shared.etcd_client) except Exception as e: logger.exception("Cannot resolve image name = %s", self.image.value) self.add_error(str(e)) else: self.image_uuid = image_uuid def vm_name_validation(self): if resolve_vm_name(name=self.vm_name.value, owner=self.name.value): self.add_error( 'VM with same name "{}" already exists'.format(self.vm_name.value) ) def network_validation(self): _network = self.network.value if _network: for net in _network: network = shared.etcd_client.get(os.path.join(settings['etcd']['network_prefix'], self.name.value, net), value_in_json=True) if not network: self.add_error("Network with name {} does not exists" \ .format(net)) def specs_validation(self): ALLOWED_BASE = 10 _cpu = self.specs.value.get('cpu', KeyError) _ram = self.specs.value.get('ram', KeyError) _os_ssd = self.specs.value.get('os-ssd', KeyError) _hdd = self.specs.value.get('hdd', KeyError) if KeyError in [_cpu, _ram, _os_ssd, _hdd]: self.add_error("You must specify CPU, RAM and OS-SSD in your specs") return None try: parsed_ram = bitmath.parse_string_unsafe(_ram) parsed_os_ssd = bitmath.parse_string_unsafe(_os_ssd) if parsed_ram.base != ALLOWED_BASE: self.add_error("Your specified RAM is not in correct units") if parsed_os_ssd.base != ALLOWED_BASE: self.add_error("Your specified OS-SSD is not in correct units") if _cpu < 1: self.add_error("CPU must be atleast 1") if parsed_ram < bitmath.GB(1): self.add_error("RAM must be atleast 1 GB") if parsed_os_ssd < bitmath.GB(1): self.add_error("OS-SSD must be atleast 1 GB") parsed_hdd = [] for hdd in _hdd: _parsed_hdd = bitmath.parse_string_unsafe(hdd) if _parsed_hdd.base != ALLOWED_BASE: self.add_error("Your specified HDD is not in correct units") break else: parsed_hdd.append(str(_parsed_hdd)) except ValueError: # TODO: Find some good error message self.add_error("Specs are not correct.") else: if self.get_errors(): self.specs = { 'cpu': _cpu, 'ram': str(parsed_ram), 'os-ssd': str(parsed_os_ssd), 'hdd': parsed_hdd } class VMStatusSchema(OTPSchema): def __init__(self, data): data["uuid"] = ( resolve_vm_name( name=data.get("vm_name", None), owner=(data.get("in_support_of", None) or data.get("name", None)), ) or KeyError ) self.uuid = VmUUIDField(data) fields = [self.uuid] super().__init__(data, fields) def validation(self): vm = shared.vm_pool.get(self.uuid.value) if not ( vm.value["owner"] == self.name.value or self.realm.value == "ungleich-admin" ): self.add_error("Invalid User") class VmActionSchema(OTPSchema): def __init__(self, data): data["uuid"] = ( resolve_vm_name( name=data.get("vm_name", None), owner=(data.get("in_support_of", None) or data.get("name", None)), ) or KeyError ) self.uuid = VmUUIDField(data) self.action = Field("action", str, data.get("action", KeyError)) self.action.validation = self.action_validation _fields = [self.uuid, self.action] super().__init__(data=data, fields=_fields) def action_validation(self): allowed_actions = ["start", "stop", "delete"] if self.action.value not in allowed_actions: self.add_error( "Invalid Action. Allowed Actions are {}".format(allowed_actions) ) def validation(self): vm = shared.vm_pool.get(self.uuid.value) if not ( vm.value["owner"] == self.name.value or self.realm.value == "ungleich-admin" ): self.add_error("Invalid User") if ( self.action.value == "start" and vm.status == VMStatus.running and vm.hostname != "" ): self.add_error("VM Already Running") if self.action.value == "stop": if vm.status == VMStatus.stopped: self.add_error("VM Already Stopped") elif vm.status != VMStatus.running: self.add_error("Cannot stop non-running VM") class VmMigrationSchema(OTPSchema): def __init__(self, data): data["uuid"] = ( resolve_vm_name( name=data.get("vm_name", None), owner=(data.get("in_support_of", None) or data.get("name", None)), ) or KeyError ) self.uuid = VmUUIDField(data) self.destination = Field("destination", str, data.get("destination", KeyError)) self.destination.validation = self.destination_validation fields = [self.destination] super().__init__(data=data, fields=fields) def destination_validation(self): hostname = self.destination.value host = next(filter(lambda h: h.hostname == hostname, shared.host_pool.hosts), None) if not host: self.add_error("No Such Host ({}) exists".format(self.destination.value)) elif host.status != HostStatus.alive: self.add_error("Destination Host is dead") else: self.destination.value = host.key def validation(self): vm = shared.vm_pool.get(self.uuid.value) if not ( vm.value["owner"] == self.name.value or self.realm.value == "ungleich-admin" ): self.add_error("Invalid User") if vm.status != VMStatus.running: self.add_error("Can't migrate non-running VM") if vm.hostname == os.path.join(settings['etcd']['host_prefix'], self.destination.value): self.add_error("Destination host couldn't be same as Source Host") class AddSSHSchema(OTPSchema): def __init__(self, data): self.key_name = Field("key_name", str, data.get("key_name", KeyError)) self.key = Field("key", str, data.get("key_name", KeyError)) fields = [self.key_name, self.key] super().__init__(data=data, fields=fields) class RemoveSSHSchema(OTPSchema): def __init__(self, data): self.key_name = Field("key_name", str, data.get("key_name", KeyError)) fields = [self.key_name] super().__init__(data=data, fields=fields) class GetSSHSchema(OTPSchema): def __init__(self, data): self.key_name = Field("key_name", str, data.get("key_name", None)) fields = [self.key_name] super().__init__(data=data, fields=fields) class CreateNetwork(OTPSchema): def __init__(self, data): self.network_name = Field("network_name", str, data.get("network_name", KeyError)) self.type = Field("type", str, data.get("type", KeyError)) self.user = Field("user", bool, bool(data.get("user", False))) self.network_name.validation = self.network_name_validation self.type.validation = self.network_type_validation fields = [self.network_name, self.type, self.user] super().__init__(data, fields=fields) def network_name_validation(self): network = shared.etcd_client.get(os.path.join(settings['etcd']['network_prefix'], self.name.value, self.network_name.value), value_in_json=True) if network: self.add_error("Network with name {} already exists" \ .format(self.network_name.value)) def network_type_validation(self): supported_network_types = ["vxlan"] if self.type.value not in supported_network_types: self.add_error("Unsupported Network Type. Supported network types are {}".format(supported_network_types))