import shutil import subprocess as sp import os import stat from abc import ABC from . import logger from os.path import join as join_path from ucloud.settings import settings as config class ImageStorageHandler(ABC): handler_name = "base" def __init__(self, image_base, vm_base): self.image_base = image_base self.vm_base = vm_base def import_image(self, image_src, image_dest, protect=False): """Put an image at the destination :param image_src: An Image file :param image_dest: A path where :param src: is to be put. :param protect: If protect is true then the dest is protect (readonly etc) The obj must exist on filesystem. """ raise NotImplementedError() def make_vm_image(self, image_path, path): """Copy image from src to dest :param image_path: A path :param path: A path src and destination must be on same storage system i.e both on file system or both on CEPH etc. """ raise NotImplementedError() def resize_vm_image(self, path, size): """Resize image located at :param path: :param path: The file which is to be resized :param size: Size must be in Megabytes """ raise NotImplementedError() def delete_vm_image(self, path): raise NotImplementedError() def execute_command(self, command, report=True, error_origin=None): if not error_origin: error_origin = self.handler_name command = list(map(str, command)) try: sp.check_output(command, stderr=sp.PIPE) except sp.CalledProcessError as e: _stderr = e.stderr.decode("utf-8").strip() if report: logger.exception("%s:- %s", error_origin, _stderr) return False return True def vm_path_string(self, path): raise NotImplementedError() def qemu_path_string(self, path): raise NotImplementedError() def is_vm_image_exists(self, path): raise NotImplementedError() class FileSystemBasedImageStorageHandler(ImageStorageHandler): handler_name = "Filesystem" def import_image(self, src, dest, protect=False): dest = join_path(self.image_base, dest) try: shutil.copy(src, dest) if protect: os.chmod( dest, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH ) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) return False return True def make_vm_image(self, src, dest): src = join_path(self.image_base, src) dest = join_path(self.vm_base, dest) try: shutil.copyfile(src, dest) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) return False return True def resize_vm_image(self, path, size): path = join_path(self.vm_base, path) command = [ "qemu-img", "resize", "-f", "raw", path, "{}M".format(size), ] if self.execute_command(command): return True else: self.delete_vm_image(path) return False def delete_vm_image(self, path): path = join_path(self.vm_base, path) try: os.remove(path) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) return False return True def vm_path_string(self, path): return join_path(self.vm_base, path) def qemu_path_string(self, path): return self.vm_path_string(path) def is_vm_image_exists(self, path): path = join_path(self.vm_base, path) command = ["ls", path] return self.execute_command(command, report=False) class CEPHBasedImageStorageHandler(ImageStorageHandler): handler_name = "Ceph" def import_image(self, src, dest, protect=False): dest = join_path(self.image_base, dest) import_command = ["rbd", "import", src, dest] commands = [import_command] if protect: snap_create_command = [ "rbd", "snap", "create", "{}@protected".format(dest), ] snap_protect_command = [ "rbd", "snap", "protect", "{}@protected".format(dest), ] commands.append(snap_create_command) commands.append(snap_protect_command) result = True for command in commands: result = result and self.execute_command(command) return result def make_vm_image(self, src, dest): src = join_path(self.image_base, src) dest = join_path(self.vm_base, dest) command = ["rbd", "clone", "{}@protected".format(src), dest] return self.execute_command(command) def resize_vm_image(self, path, size): path = join_path(self.vm_base, path) command = ["rbd", "resize", path, "--size", size] return self.execute_command(command) def delete_vm_image(self, path): path = join_path(self.vm_base, path) command = ["rbd", "rm", path] return self.execute_command(command) def vm_path_string(self, path): return join_path(self.vm_base, path) def qemu_path_string(self, path): return "rbd:{}".format(self.vm_path_string(path)) def is_vm_image_exists(self, path): path = join_path(self.vm_base, path) command = ["rbd", "info", path] return self.execute_command(command, report=False) def get_storage_handler(): __storage_backend = config["storage"]["storage_backend"] if __storage_backend == "filesystem": return FileSystemBasedImageStorageHandler( vm_base=config["storage"]["vm_dir"], image_base=config["storage"]["image_dir"], ) elif __storage_backend == "ceph": return CEPHBasedImageStorageHandler( vm_base=config["storage"]["ceph_vm_pool"], image_base=config["storage"]["ceph_image_pool"], ) else: raise Exception("Unknown Image Storage Handler")