title: via-ipv6.com: enabling IPv4 sites for IPv6 only networks --- pub_date: 2019-10-17 --- author: Nico Schottelius --- twitter_handle: NicoSchottelius --- _hidden: no --- _discoverable: yes --- abstract: We launched via-ipv6.com to enable legacy (IPv4) sites in IPv6 only networks --- body: Have you ever been in an IPv6 only network and wanted to reach IPv4 sites without NAT64? Inspired by talks at [RIPE79](https://ripe79.ripe.net), I decided to give it a try, whether we can easily expose some IPv4 only sites with a proxy to the IPv6 Internet. Turns out, using a bit of nginx magic and an [IPv6 only VM](https://ipv6onlyhosting.com/) with NAT64 this is actually not too hard. ## How it works First of all, all sites are enabled on a site-by-site basis, so this is not a generic IPv6-to-IPv4 proxy. For every "site", be it Hackernews, Twitter or Reddit, I created a subdomain below **via-ipv6.com** like: * [reddit.via-ipv6.com](https://reddit.via-ipv6.com) * [twitter.via-ipv6.com](https://twitter.via-ipv6.com) * [hackernews.via-ipv6.com](https://hackernews.via-ipv6.com) Each of the sites have their own SSL certificate, not the one used by the actual site. The reason for this is that I needed the client to access the proxy instead of failing to access the site (like reddit.com) by not finding an AAAA entry. The disadvantage of this is that I have to decrypt and re-encrypt the traffic. So while I am not interested in your data, I advise to use this service knowing that the TLS connection is decrypted and reencrypted on the path. ## List of sites You find the current list of sites on [via-ipv6.com](https://via-ipv6.com). If you would like to have another site added, just ping me on [IPv6.chat](https://IPv6.chat).