title: Vendor information for IPv6 compatibility: [draft] --- pub_date: 2019-11-21 --- author: ungleich --- twitter_handle: ungleich --- _hidden: no --- _discoverable: yes --- abstract: How to make your hardware IPv6 compatible --- body: Here at [ungleich](https://ungleich.ch) we see many different devices and software running or not running in IPv6 only networks. This article summarises some features we see required in IPv6 compatible devices (including software). Devices that don't fully complain with the checklist below will be removed in the near future from our infrastructure, as their maintenance cost has become too high. The wording is orientated on [RFC2119](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2119). **This document is an early draft**. If you have any comments / improvements, please help us to improve it on the [IPv6 Chat](https://IPv6.chat). ## IPv6 autoconfiguration All devices must assign themselves an IPv6 address upon receival of a router advertisement (compare [RFC4861](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4861)). ## IPv6 listener If the device is providing any service, all services **must** bind to IPv6 sockets (compare [RFC3493](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3493)). Device **may** also bind to IPv4 sockets. ## Outgoing connections All devices **must** support requesting **all** resources via IPv6 only connections. This does not imply that the vendor resource has to be reachable by IPv6, as the network operator might provide a NAT64 service. Devices **may** also try connecting by IPv4. ## Support for IPv6 DNS servers via router advertisements All devices **must** read the DNS server and and DNS search path from the router advertisements and **must** configure the DNS servers and DNS search path accordingly. ## Full NAT64/DNS64 compatibility All devices **must** be fully compatible to reach the IPv4 Internet through the means of NAT64 and DNS64. In particular all outgoing connections **must** be possible by IPv6 only, even if resources in the IPv4 Internet are requested. ## No hardcoded IPv4 addresses IF your device needs to connect to a service (f.i. for updates, reporting, etc.), it **must not** have any hardcoded IPv4 address. ## Updates IF a device is receiving software updates, it **must** be able to receive software updates in IPv6 only networks.