diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__network_interface/man.rst b/cdist/conf/type/__network_interface/man.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..22cce84a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdist/conf/type/__network_interface/man.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+cdist-type__network_interface - configure network interfaces
+Configures network interfaces on debian an redhat based systems.
+Interface names containing a dot are assumed to be vlan tagged sub interfaces.
+e.g. eth0.10 is vlan 10 on physical device eth0.
+    The name of the physical or logical network device.
+    Defaults to __object_id.
+    The method for determining an IP address for the interface.
+    'dhcp', 'static' or 'manual'.
+    Defaults to 'dhcp'.
+    The IP address of the network interface.
+    Only used if --method is not 'dhcp'.
+    Only used if --method is not 'dhcp'.
+    Comment.
+    Additional config that is added to the generated interfaces file verbatim.
+    Default gateway (dotted quad).
+    Only used if --method is not 'dhcp'.
+    The subnet mask to apply to the interface.
+    Only used if --method is not 'dhcp'.
+    Routing metric for the default gateway.
+    The Maximum Transmission Unit size to use for the interface.
+    'present' or 'absent', defaults to 'present'.
+    Specifies (in milliseconds) how often ARP monitoring occurs.
+    Specifies the target IP address of ARP requests when the arp_interval parameter is enabled.
+    Can be specified up to 16 times.
+    The name of the master (bonding) interface to which this slave should be enslaved.
+    Specifies (in milliseconds) how often MII link monitoring occurs.
+    Allows you to specify the bonding policy. The value can be one of:
+    - balance-rr (0)
+    - active-backup (1)
+    - balance-xor (2)
+    - broadcast (3)
+    - 802.3ad (4)
+    - balance-tlb (5)
+    - balance-alb (6)
+    Specifies the interface name, such as eth0, of the primary device.
+    The slave interfaces that form this bonding.
+    Only useable on Redhat based systems.
+    Time in seconds that the system should pause after the specific interface
+    is enabled.  This may be useful if one interface is connected to a
+    switch which has spanning tree enabled and must wait for STP to
+    converge before the interface should be considered usable.
+    Whether to bring the interface up on boot.
+    Allow/disallow hotplug support for this interface.
+    Do not configure nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf.
+    Do not set default route.
+    Do not consider this network interface in the network-wait-online.service unit.
+    Manage routing tables and rules to ensure symmetric routing.
+.. code-block:: sh
+    __network_interface eth0 --onboot
+    # Same thing, but explicitly define method
+    __network_interface eth0 --method dhcp --onboot
+    __network_interface eth1 \
+        --method static \
+        --address \
+        --netmask \
+        --gateway \
+        --onboot
+    __network_interface eth3 --method dhcp --hotplug
+    # Don't wait for Infiniband interface to be up before reaching systemd network-online.target
+    __network_interface ib0 --method dhcp --no-network-wait-online
+    # active-backup bonding with 2 slaves
+    __network_interface bond0 \
+        --onboot \
+        --method static \
+        --bond-mode active-backup \
+        --bond-miimon 500 \
+        --bond-primary eth5 \
+        --address \
+        --netmask
+    __network_interface eth5 \
+        --onboot \
+        --method manual \
+        --bond-master bond0
+    __network_interface eth6 \
+        --onboot \
+        --method manual \
+        --bond-master bond0
+    # extra config
+    __network_interface eth0 \
+        --method dhcp \
+        --extra-config - << DONE
+    post-up ip route add via
+    post-up ip route add via
+    pre-down ip route del via
+    pre-down ip route del via
+    DONE
+Redhat bonding documentation:
+* https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Deployment_Guide/sec-Using_Channel_Bonding.html
+* https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/Networking_Guide/sec-Using_Channel_Bonding.html
+* https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Deployment_Guide/s2-networkscripts-interfaces-chan.html
+Debian bonding documentation
+* /usr/share/doc/ifenslave-2.6/README.Debian.gz
+Symmetric routing
+* http://www.microhowto.info/howto/ensure_symmetric_routing_on_a_server_with_multiple_default_gateways.html
+Steven Armstrong <steven-cdist--@--armstrong.cc>
+Copyright \(C) 2012-2016 Steven Armstrong. You can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+License, or (at your option) any later version.
diff --git a/cdist/conf/type/__network_interface/man.text b/cdist/conf/type/__network_interface/man.text
deleted file mode 100644
index c9115e99..00000000
--- a/cdist/conf/type/__network_interface/man.text
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-Steven Armstrong <steven-cdist--@--armstrong.cc>
-cdist-type__network_interface - configure network interfaces
-Configures network interfaces on debian an redhat based systems.
-Interface names containing a dot are assumed to be vlan tagged sub interfaces.
-e.g. eth0.10 is vlan 10 on physical device eth0
-   The name of the physical or logical network device.
-   Defaults to __object_id.
-   The method for determining an IP address for the interface.
-   'dhcp', 'static' or 'manual'.
-   Defaults to 'dhcp'.
-   The IP address of the network interface.
-   Only used if --method is not 'dhcp'
-   Only used if --method is not 'dhcp'
-   additional config that is added to the generated interfaces file verbatim
-   Default gateway (dotted quad)
-   Only used if --method is not 'dhcp'
-   The subnet mask to apply to the interface
-   Only used if --method is not 'dhcp'
-   Routing metric for the default gateway
-   The Maximum Transmission Unit size to use for the interface
-   'present' or 'absent', defaults to 'present'
-   Specifies (in milliseconds) how often ARP monitoring occurs.
-   Specifies the target IP address of ARP requests when the arp_interval parameter is enabled.
-   Can be specified up to 16 times.
-   The name of the master (bonding) interface to which this slave should be enslaved.
-   Specifies (in milliseconds) how often MII link monitoring occurs.
-   Allows you to specify the bonding policy. The value can be one of:
-      balance-rr (0)
-      active-backup (1)
-      balance-xor (2)
-      broadcast (3)
-      802.3ad (4)
-      balance-tlb (5)
-      balance-alb (6)
-   Specifies the interface name, such as eth0, of the primary device.
-   The slave interfaces that form this bonding.
-   Only useable on Redhat based systems.
-   Time in seconds that the system should pause after the specific interface
-   is enabled.  This may be useful if one interface is connected to a
-   switch which has spanning tree enabled and must wait for STP to
-   converge before the interface should be considered usable.
-   Whether to bring the interface up on boot
-   Allow/disallow hotplug support for this interface
-   Do not configure nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf.
-   Do not set default route.
-   Do not consider this network interface in the network-wait-online.service unit.
-   Manage routing tables and rules to ensure symmetric routing.
-__network_interface eth0 --onboot
-# Same thing, but explicitly define method
-__network_interface eth0 --method dhcp --onboot
-__network_interface eth1 \
-   --method static \
-   --address \
-   --netmask \
-   --gateway \
-   --onboot
-__network_interface eth3 --method dhcp --hotplug
-# Don't wait for Infiniband interface to be up before reaching systemd network-online.target
-__network_interface ib0 --method dhcp --no-network-wait-online
-# active-backup bonding with 2 slaves
-__network_interface bond0 \
-   --onboot \
-   --method static \
-   --bond-mode active-backup \
-   --bond-miimon 500 \
-   --bond-primary eth5 \
-   --address \
-   --netmask
-__network_interface eth5 \
-   --onboot \
-   --method manual \
-   --bond-master bond0
-__network_interface eth6 \
-   --onboot \
-   --method manual \
-   --bond-master bond0
-# extra config
-__network_interface eth0 \
-   --method dhcp \
-   --extra-config - << DONE
-post-up ip route add via
-post-up ip route add via
-pre-down ip route del via
-pre-down ip route del via
-- cdist-type(7)
-- Redhat bonding documentation
-   https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Deployment_Guide/sec-Using_Channel_Bonding.html
-   https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/Networking_Guide/sec-Using_Channel_Bonding.html
-   https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Deployment_Guide/s2-networkscripts-interfaces-chan.html
-- Debian bonding documentation
-   /usr/share/doc/ifenslave-2.6/README.Debian.gz
-- Symmetric routing
-   http://www.microhowto.info/howto/ensure_symmetric_routing_on_a_server_with_multiple_default_gateways.html
-Copyright \(C) 2012-2016 Steven Armstrong. Free use of this software is
-granted under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3).