   - Support singletons (see types/issue for a good reason)
      - probably name them only_once and use that as the internal id!
   - cdist-deploy-to: Configure more than one host
      - plus parallel mode like in ccollect

Type handler:
   - add dependency parameters to core available for every type

Stage 5 (code execution):
   - check return codes
   - abort on first error?
   - dependencies

Types to be written/extended:
   - __ssh-keys (host/user)
   - __service
   - __user
   - __file_edit
      - add_line_to_file_if_not_existing
      - delete_line_from_file
      - regexp replace (can probably cover all?)
   - __file:
      - template == [shell script] stdout
   - cron

   - Describe Multi master setups
   - use ssh with master socket?
      - saves connection delay for new connections: -M
      - hint:
   - Describe pull architecture and requirements
      - cdist-trigger after first run from /var/lib/cdist/out/bin?
   - Different environments (production, integration, development)
      - via version control
   - Define how to raise errors in types

   - Check all references in manpages, ensure all manpages exist, generic ones:
      + cdist
         + cdist-deploy-to
         + cdist-manifest
      - cdist-type           [IMPORTANT]
         - only do necessary work [TYPE IMPLEMENTATION HINTS]
            - install packages only if not existent
            - copy file only if different
         - DOC document that $type/manifest is executed for every object/instance
   - category 7:
      - cdist-manifest(7)
      - cdist-explorer
      - cdist-config-layout
   - ensure every file in bin/ has a correspondent manpage
      - cdist-code-run-all
      - cdist-config
      - cdist-deploy-to
      - cdist-dir
      - cdist-explorer-run-init
      - cdist-manifest-run
      - cdist-manifest-run-all
      - cdist-manifest-run-init
      - cdist-object-codegen
      - cdist-object-codegen-all
      - cdist-object-explorer-all
      - cdist-quickstart
      - cdist-remote-code-run-all
      - cdist-remote-explorer-run
      - cdist-run-remote
      - cdist-type-build-emulation
      - cdist-type-emulator
   - Cleanup READMEs
   - Ensure html output of manpages are published on the web

- Makefile:
   - Include manpage generation