ccollect.sh, Nico Schottelius, 2005-12-06
   -> Directories, which are so called 'backup-definitions'

      source -> file with the source
      destination -> link to the destination
      exclude -> \n seperated

   intervalls/       - subdirectory of source or defaults
      Each file below this directory describe an intervalls.
   log               - link to file we should log to
      If a backup source exists (the cconfig dir exists) all logs for this
      source will be written to this file. General errors and errors of
      non existent or broken configuration will be logged to stderr.

      I do not think it is senseful to have one logfile for all sources, as
      the sources can be backuped in parallel and you would not be able to
      distinguish the different log processes very good then.

      If you REALLY REALLY REALLY want to have all in one logfile, simply
      link all "log" entries to the same file, output will be appended.