- Test pax http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/pax.html Perhaps replace cp -al? --> WRITE DOCU / update to use pax - update documentation: - german doc? - exit pre/post exec -> error codes (after implementation!) (in 0.4) - write about fast changing fs - write about CHANGED BEHAVIOUR of PRE/POST-EXEC - write about PAX! - write mkccollectconfig o create source configuration o another script for changing defaults x intervalls x pre-/post exec o (X)dialog based - implement pre- and post-exec commands o what to do with return values? -> Check them, abort on error - Documentation - write/generate a manpage DONE - implement verbosity o per source (-v to rsync) o general, very verbose (set -x) - implement parallel execution - implement general log - implement source specific log (canceled) - the name prefix is currently somehow inconsistent - Documentation - rsync_options, example paswd - write a simple manual - Hints section - add note to --exclude=/proc/ vs. --exclude=/proc/* - rsync_options \n seperated - implement pre- and post-exec commands o For the general backup process o source specific testen, ob : im dateinamen..., wenn ja, raus damit! Aenderungen aufschreiben pax einpflegen