ccollect - Restoring backups ============================ Nico Schottelius 0.1, for all ccollect version, Initial Version from 2008-07-04 :Author Initials: NS Having backups is half the way to success on a failure. Knowing how to restore the systems is the other half. Introduction ------------ You made your backup and now you want to restore your data. If you backuped only parts of a computer and need only to restore them, it is pretty easy to achieve. Restoring a whole system is a little bit more difficult and needs some knowledge of the operating system. Restoring parts of a system ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Log into your backupserver. Change into the backup directory you want to restore from (the one named source.intervall.datetime, like ...). Do Restoring a complete FreeBSD system ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Restoring a complete Linux system ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Future ------ I think about automating full system recoveries in the future. I think it could be easily done and here are some hints for people who would like to implement it.