Test copy copys symlinks - making real files would be better

Test how to use cp:

[12:54] bento:~% cd test
[12:54] bento:test% ln -s /etc/passwd
[12:54] bento:test% cd ..
[12:54] bento:~% cp -r test test2
[12:54] bento:~% ls -lh test2/
total 4.0K
lrwxrwxrwx 1 nico nico 11 Sep  5 12:54 passwd -> /etc/passwd
[12:54] bento:~% rm -rf test2/

[12:54] bento:~% ls -lh test2/
total 4.0K
lrwxrwxrwx 1 nico nico 11 Sep  5 12:54 passwd -> /etc/passwd
[12:54] bento:~% rm -rf test2/
[12:54] bento:~% cp -r --dereference test test2 
[12:56] bento:~% ls -l test2/
total 4
-rw------- 1 nico nico 960 Sep  5 12:56 passwd
[12:56] bento:~% 

[13:04] bento:cdist% git describe 
[13:09] bento:cdist% vi MANIFEST.in 
[13:09] bento:cdist% vi MANIFEST   
[13:09] bento:cdist% vi setup.py 
[13:09] bento:cdist% cat cdist/version.py 
VERSION = "2.3.1-34-g7acf041"
[13:10] bento:cdist%