import ldap3 import sys from config import config from ldap3 import Server, Connection, ObjectDef, Reader, ALL, SUBTREE, ALL_ATTRIBUTES from ldap3.core import exceptions LDAP_SERVER = config['ldap']['server'] LDAP_PASSWORD = config['ldap']['admin_password'] LDAP_USER = config['ldap']['admin_dn'] LDAP_PORT = config['ldap']['port'] #LDAP_ATTRS = jg # Create the Server object with the given address. server = Server(LDAP_SERVER, LDAP_PORT, get_info=ALL) #Create a connection object, and bind with the given DN and password. try: conn = Connection(server, LDAP_USER, LDAP_PASSWORD, auto_bind=True) print('LDAP Bind Successful.') # Perform a search for a pre-defined criteria. # Mention the search filter / filter type and attributes.'ou=customer,dc=ungleich,dc=ch', '(&(!({}={})))'.format('mail','*') , attributes=['uid','mail'])'ou=customer,dc=ungleich,dc=ch', '(objectClass=*)' , attributes=['uid','mail']) # Print the resulting entriesn. #for entry in conn.entries: #print(entry.uid, entry.mail) vm_list = conn except exceptions.LDAPException as err: sys.exit(f'LDAP Error: {err}')