what does a type contain?

   - possible explorer functions to find out about the system state
   - scripts being run on the server, which inputs cconfig and generates code to
     apply changes on the client
     -> logs errors through stderr

   - cdist takes all the type scripts, for each defined type
      - when to run cdist-explorer tools from types?
         - get general impression first and then consider tools?

   - what about the overwrites / order / inherits problem?
      - is a "how to reuse x"-problem
         - once defined, no redefine
         - record creator to issue warning on collision detection!

   - "i want to do the same as x, but change a single bit"
      - i call the other type under my own name and overwrite stuff afterwards

      - apache, tomcat, etc.
      TYPECHANGES are good!
   - what is cm?
      - copying files around
      - changing files
      - removing files
      - put together in a context