From 609977b7ff8d5659622f3fff8494b8fd8b9aa427 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Darko Poljak <>
Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2016 20:27:42 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] ugly->bad

 cdist/               |  4 +-
 cdist/core/          | 11 ++---
 cdist/exec/            | 80 +++++++++++++++++----------------
 cdist/test/exec/       |  4 +-
 docs/src/ |  3 ++
 docs/src/man1/cdist.rst         |  3 ++
 6 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cdist/ b/cdist/
index b6f5c8cb..c142230c 100644
--- a/cdist/
+++ b/cdist/
@@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ class CdistBetaRequired(cdist.Error):
             err_msg = ("\'{}\' command is beta, but beta is "
                        "not enabled. If you want to use it please enable beta "
                        "functionalities by using the -b/--enable-beta command "
-                       "line flag.")
+                       "line flag or setting CDIST_BETA env var.")
             fmt_args = [self.command, ]
             err_msg = ("\'{}\' argument of \'{}\' command is beta, but beta "
                        "is not enabled. If you want to use it please enable "
                        "beta functionalities by using the -b/--enable-beta "
-                       "command line flag.")
+                       "command line flag or setting CDIST_BETA env var.")
             fmt_args = [self.arg, self.command, ]
         return err_msg.format(*fmt_args)
diff --git a/cdist/core/ b/cdist/core/
index ef85431c..23996240 100644
--- a/cdist/core/
+++ b/cdist/core/
@@ -149,14 +149,9 @@ class Explorer(object):
     def transfer_global_explorers(self):
         """Transfer the global explorers to the remote side."""
-        if is None:
-            self.remote.transfer(self.local.global_explorer_path,
-                                 self.remote.global_explorer_path)
-        else:
-            self.remote.transfer_dir_parallel(
-                    self.local.global_explorer_path,
-                    self.remote.global_explorer_path,
+        self.remote.transfer(self.local.global_explorer_path,
+                             self.remote.global_explorer_path,
+                   ["chmod", "0700",
                          "%s/*" % (self.remote.global_explorer_path)])
diff --git a/cdist/exec/ b/cdist/exec/
index 74a33f73..440aafa7 100644
--- a/cdist/exec/
+++ b/cdist/exec/
@@ -118,57 +118,59 @@ class Remote(object):
         self.log.debug("Remote mkdir: %s", path)["mkdir", "-p", path])
-    def transfer(self, source, destination):
+    def transfer(self, source, destination, jobs=None):
         """Transfer a file or directory to the remote side."""
         self.log.debug("Remote transfer: %s -> %s", source, destination)
         if os.path.isdir(source):
-            for f in glob.glob1(source, '*'):
-                command = self._copy.split()
-                path = os.path.join(source, f)
-                command.extend([path, '{0}:{1}'.format(
-                    _wrap_addr(self.target_host[0]), destination)])
-                self._run_command(command)
+            if jobs:
+                self._transfer_dir_parallel(source, destination, jobs)
+            else:
+                self._transfer_dir_sequential(source, destination)
+        elif jobs:
+            raise cdist.Error("Source {} is not a directory".format(source))
             command = self._copy.split()
             command.extend([source, '{0}:{1}'.format(
                 _wrap_addr(self.target_host[0]), destination)])
-    def transfer_dir_parallel(self, source, destination, jobs):
-        """Transfer a directory to the remote side in parallel mode."""
-        self.log.debug("Remote transfer: %s -> %s", source, destination)
-        self.rmdir(destination)
-        if os.path.isdir(source):
-            self.mkdir(destination)
-  "Remote transfer in {} parallel jobs".format(
-                jobs))
-            self.log.debug("Multiprocessing start method is {}".format(
-                multiprocessing.get_start_method()))
-            self.log.debug(("Starting multiprocessing Pool for parallel "
-                           "remote transfer"))
-            with multiprocessing.Pool(jobs) as pool:
-                self.log.debug("Starting async for parallel transfer")
-                commands = []
-                for f in glob.glob1(source, '*'):
-                    command = self._copy.split()
-                    path = os.path.join(source, f)
-                    command.extend([path, '{0}:{1}'.format(
-                        _wrap_addr(self.target_host[0]), destination)])
-                    commands.append(command)
-                results = [
-                    pool.apply_async(self._run_command, (cmd,))
-                    for cmd in commands
-                ]
+    def _transfer_dir_sequential(self, source, destination):
+        for f in glob.glob1(source, '*'):
+            command = self._copy.split()
+            path = os.path.join(source, f)
+            command.extend([path, '{0}:{1}'.format(
+                _wrap_addr(self.target_host[0]), destination)])
+            self._run_command(command)
-                self.log.debug("Waiting async results for parallel transfer")
-                for r in results:
-                    r.get()  # self._run_command returns None
-                self.log.debug(("Multiprocessing for parallel transfer "
-                               "finished"))
-        else:
-            raise cdist.Error("Source {} is not a directory".format(source))
+    def _transfer_dir_parallel(self, source, destination, jobs):
+        """Transfer a directory to the remote side in parallel mode."""
+"Remote transfer in {} parallel jobs".format(
+            jobs))
+        self.log.debug("Multiprocessing start method is {}".format(
+            multiprocessing.get_start_method()))
+        self.log.debug(("Starting multiprocessing Pool for parallel "
+                        "remote transfer"))
+        with multiprocessing.Pool(jobs) as pool:
+            self.log.debug("Starting async for parallel transfer")
+            commands = []
+            for f in glob.glob1(source, '*'):
+                command = self._copy.split()
+                path = os.path.join(source, f)
+                command.extend([path, '{0}:{1}'.format(
+                    _wrap_addr(self.target_host[0]), destination)])
+                commands.append(command)
+            results = [
+                pool.apply_async(self._run_command, (cmd,))
+                for cmd in commands
+            ]
+            self.log.debug("Waiting async results for parallel transfer")
+            for r in results:
+                r.get()  # self._run_command returns None
+            self.log.debug(("Multiprocessing for parallel transfer "
+                            "finished"))
     def run_script(self, script, env=None, return_output=False):
         """Run the given script with the given environment on the remote side.
diff --git a/cdist/test/exec/ b/cdist/test/exec/
index 45dabb18..371d17e3 100644
--- a/cdist/test/exec/
+++ b/cdist/test/exec/
@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ class RemoteTestCase(test.CdistTestCase):
             source_file_name = os.path.split(source_file)[-1]
         target = self.mkdtemp(dir=self.temp_dir)
-        self.remote.transfer_dir_parallel(source, target,
-                                          multiprocessing.cpu_count())
+        self.remote.transfer(source, target,
+                             multiprocessing.cpu_count())
         # test if the payload files are in the target directory
         for filename in filenames:
             self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(target, filename)))
diff --git a/docs/src/ b/docs/src/
index 97b22473..4b94b858 100755
--- a/docs/src/
+++ b/docs/src/
@@ -273,4 +273,7 @@ CDIST_REMOTE_EXEC
     Use this command for remote copy (should behave like scp).
+    Enable beta functionalities.
diff --git a/docs/src/man1/cdist.rst b/docs/src/man1/cdist.rst
index 5daedcd4..08c856b1 100644
--- a/docs/src/man1/cdist.rst
+++ b/docs/src/man1/cdist.rst
@@ -236,6 +236,9 @@ CDIST_REMOTE_EXEC
     Use this command for remote copy (should behave like scp).
+    Enable beta functionalities.
 The following exit values shall be returned: