diff --git a/lib/cdist/core/object.py b/lib/cdist/core/object.py
index 76634a65..b7890eeb 100644
--- a/lib/cdist/core/object.py
+++ b/lib/cdist/core/object.py
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ class Object(object):
         """define equality as 'attributes are the same'"""
         return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
+    # FIXME: still needed?
     def explorer_path(self):
         """Create and return the relative path to this objects explorers"""
@@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ class Object(object):
     requirements = fsproperty.FileListProperty(lambda obj: os.path.join(obj.absolute_path, 'require'))
     parameters = fsproperty.DirectoryDictProperty(lambda obj: os.path.join(obj.absolute_path, 'parameter'))
+    explorers = fsproperty.DirectoryDictProperty(lambda obj: os.path.join(obj.base_path, obj.explorer_path))
     changed = fsproperty.FileBooleanProperty(lambda obj: os.path.join(obj.absolute_path, "changed"))
     prepared = fsproperty.FileBooleanProperty(lambda obj: os.path.join(obj.absolute_path, "prepared"))
     ran = fsproperty.FileBooleanProperty(lambda obj: os.path.join(obj.absolute_path, "ran"))
diff --git a/lib/cdist/exec.py b/lib/cdist/exec.py
index 7ec9bc0a..13cec499 100644
--- a/lib/cdist/exec.py
+++ b/lib/cdist/exec.py
@@ -23,75 +23,75 @@ import logging
 import os
 import subprocess
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 import cdist
-class ExecWrapper(object):
-    def __init__(self, remote_exec, remote_copy, target_host):
+class Wrapper(object):
+    def __init__(self, target_host, remote_exec, remote_copy):
+        self.target_host = target_host
         self.remote_exec = remote_exec
-def shell_run_or_debug_fail(script, *args, remote_prefix=False, **kargs):
-    # Manually execute /bin/sh, because sh -e does what we want
-    # and sh -c -e does not exit if /bin/false called
-    args[0][:0] = [ "/bin/sh", "-e" ]
-    if remote_prefix:
-        remote_prefix = os.environ['__remote_exec'].split()
-        remote_prefix.append(os.environ['__target_host'])
-        args[0][:0] = remote_prefix
-    log.debug("Shell exec cmd: %s", args)
-    if 'env' in kargs:
-        log.debug("Shell exec env: %s", kargs['env'])
-    try:
-        subprocess.check_call(*args, **kargs)
-    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
-        log.error("Code that raised the error:\n")
-        if remote_prefix:
-            run_or_fail(["cat", script], remote_prefix=remote_prefix)
-        else:
-            try:
-                script_fd = open(script)
-                print(script_fd.read())
-                script_fd.close()
-            except IOError as error:
-                raise cdist.Error(str(error))
-        raise cdist.Error("Command failed (shell): " + " ".join(*args))
-    except OSError as error:
-        raise cdist.Error(" ".join(*args) + ": " + error.args[1])
-def run_or_fail(*args, remote_prefix=False, **kargs):
-    if remote_prefix:
-        remote_prefix = os.environ['__remote_exec'].split()
-        remote_prefix.append(os.environ['__target_host'])
-        args[0][:0] = remote_prefix
-    log.debug("Exec: " + " ".join(*args))
-    try:
-        subprocess.check_call(*args, **kargs)
-    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
-        raise cdist.Error("Command failed: " + " ".join(*args))
-    except OSError as error:
-        raise cdist.Error(" ".join(*args) + ": " + error.args[1])
+        self.remote_copy = remote_copy
+        self.log = logging.getLogger(self.target_host)
     def remote_mkdir(self, directory):
         """Create directory on remote side"""
-        cdist.exec.run_or_fail(["mkdir", "-p", directory], remote_prefix=True)
+        self.run_or_fail(["mkdir", "-p", directory], remote=True)
     def remove_remote_path(self, destination):
         """Ensure path on remote side vanished"""
-        cdist.exec.run_or_fail(["rm", "-rf",  destination], remote_prefix=True)
+        self.run_or_fail(["rm", "-rf",  destination], remote=True)
     def transfer_path(self, source, destination):
         """Transfer directory and previously delete the remote destination"""
-        cdist.exec.run_or_fail(os.environ['__remote_copy'].split() +
+        self.run_or_fail(os.environ['__remote_copy'].split() +
             ["-r", source, self.target_host + ":" + destination])
+    def shell_run_or_debug_fail(self, script, *args, remote=False, **kargs):
+        # Manually execute /bin/sh, because sh -e does what we want
+        # and sh -c -e does not exit if /bin/false called
+        args[0][:0] = [ "/bin/sh", "-e" ]
+        if remote:
+            remote_prefix = self.remote_exec.split()
+            remote_prefix.append(self.target_host)
+            args[0][:0] = remote_prefix
+        self.log.debug("Shell exec cmd: %s", args)
+        if 'env' in kargs:
+            self.log.debug("Shell exec env: %s", kargs['env'])
+        try:
+            subprocess.check_call(*args, **kargs)
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+            self.log.error("Code that raised the error:\n")
+            if remote:
+                self.run_or_fail(["cat", script], remote=remote)
+            else:
+                try:
+                    script_fd = open(script)
+                    print(script_fd.read())
+                    script_fd.close()
+                except IOError as error:
+                    raise cdist.Error(str(error))
+            raise cdist.Error("Command failed (shell): " + " ".join(*args))
+        except OSError as error:
+            raise cdist.Error(" ".join(*args) + ": " + error.args[1])
+    def run_or_fail(self, *args, remote=False, **kargs):
+        if remote:
+            remote_prefix = self.remote_exec.split()
+            remote_prefix.append(self.target_host)
+            args[0][:0] = remote_prefix
+        self.log.debug("Exec: " + " ".join(*args))
+        try:
+            subprocess.check_call(*args, **kargs)
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+            raise cdist.Error("Command failed: " + " ".join(*args))
+        except OSError as error:
+            raise cdist.Error(" ".join(*args) + ": " + error.args[1])
diff --git a/lib/cdist/test/object/__init__.py b/lib/cdist/test/object/__init__.py
index eee1563c..6f26fd19 100644
--- a/lib/cdist/test/object/__init__.py
+++ b/lib/cdist/test/object/__init__.py
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class ObjectTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
         self.cdist_object.changed = False
         self.cdist_object.prepared = False
         self.cdist_object.ran = False
-        self.cdist_object.source = ""
+        self.cdist_object.source = []
     def test_name(self):
         self.assertEqual(self.cdist_object.name, '__third/moon')
@@ -92,6 +92,19 @@ class ObjectTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
         expected_parameters = {'planet': 'Saturn', 'name': 'Prometheus'}
         self.assertEqual(self.cdist_object.parameters, expected_parameters)
+    def test_explorers(self):
+        self.assertEqual(self.cdist_object.explorers, {})
+    def test_explorers_after_changing(self):
+        expected = {'first': 'foo', 'second': 'bar'}
+        # when set, written to file
+        self.cdist_object.explorers = expected
+        # when accessed, read from file
+        self.assertEqual(self.cdist_object.explorers, expected)
+        # remove dynamically created folder
+        self.cdist_object.explorers = {}
+        os.rmdir(os.path.join(self.cdist_object.base_path, self.cdist_object.explorer_path))
     def test_requirements(self):
         expected = []
         self.assertEqual(list(self.cdist_object.requirements), expected)
@@ -118,8 +131,8 @@ class ObjectTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_source(self):
-        self.assertEqual(self.cdist_object.source, '')
+        self.assertEqual(list(self.cdist_object.source), [])
     def test_source_after_changing(self):
-        self.cdist_object.source = '/path/to/manifest'
-        self.assertEqual(self.cdist_object.source, '/path/to/manifest')
+        self.cdist_object.source = ['/path/to/manifest']
+        self.assertEqual(list(self.cdist_object.source), ['/path/to/manifest'])
diff --git a/lib/cdist/test/object/fixtures/object/__third/moon/.cdist/explorer/.keep b/lib/cdist/test/object/fixtures/object/__third/moon/.cdist/explorer/.keep
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/lib/cdist/test/test_exec.py b/lib/cdist/test/test_exec.py
index 901b5efd..c2bb52f6 100644
--- a/lib/cdist/test/test_exec.py
+++ b/lib/cdist/test/test_exec.py
@@ -22,18 +22,14 @@
 import os
-import sys
 import shutil
-import subprocess
 import tempfile
 import unittest
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(
-        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '../lib')))
 import cdist.exec
-class Exec(unittest.TestCase):
+class ExecTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         """Create shell code and co."""
@@ -49,32 +45,35 @@ class Exec(unittest.TestCase):
         false_fd.writelines(["#!/bin/sh\n", "/bin/false"])
+        target_host = "does.not.exist"
+        remote_exec = "ssh -o User=root -q"
+        remote_copy = "scp -o User=root -q"
+        self.wrapper = cdist.exec.Wrapper(target_host, remote_exec, remote_copy)
     def tearDown(self):
     def test_local_success_shell(self):
-            cdist.exec.shell_run_or_debug_fail(self.shell_true, [self.shell_true])
+            self.wrapper.shell_run_or_debug_fail(self.shell_true, [self.shell_true])
         except cdist.Error:
             failed = True
             failed = False
     def test_local_fail_shell(self):
-        self.assertRaises(cdist.Error, cdist.exec.shell_run_or_debug_fail,
+        self.assertRaises(cdist.Error, self.wrapper.shell_run_or_debug_fail,
             self.shell_false, [self.shell_false])
     def test_local_success(self):
-            cdist.exec.run_or_fail(["/bin/true"])
+            self.wrapper.run_or_fail(["/bin/true"])
         except cdist.Error:
             failed = True
             failed = False
     def test_local_fail(self):
-        self.assertRaises(cdist.Error, cdist.exec.run_or_fail, ["/bin/false"])
+        self.assertRaises(cdist.Error, self.wrapper.run_or_fail, ["/bin/false"])
diff --git a/lib/cdist/util/fsproperty.py b/lib/cdist/util/fsproperty.py
index c18a1553..68d5edaa 100644
--- a/lib/cdist/util/fsproperty.py
+++ b/lib/cdist/util/fsproperty.py
@@ -134,7 +134,11 @@ class FileListProperty(FileList):
     def __set__(self, obj, value):
-        os.unlink(self.path)
+        try:
+            os.unlink(self.path)
+        except EnvironmentError:
+            # ignored
+            pass
         for item in value: