   Record in bin/cdist-type-emulator
      Fix __cdist_object_base_dir issue (vs. $__cdist_out_object_dir in deploy-to)
| New problem:

Parts of the core use argv (see bin/cdist-deploy-to),
assign this either an own name or a "standard" name.

cdist-config has a function that uses this "standard" var:
   /home/users/nico/oeffentlich/rechner/projekte/cdist/bin/cdist-config: Zeile 229: __cdist_object_base_dir ist nicht gesetzt.

In essence:

   - either argv lists get much longer (supplying all relevant arguments)
   - OR cdist-core commands depend on the given environment:
      - makes debugging more look like
         var1="" var2="" var3="" ... cdist-$tool_to_debug
      vs. currently
         var1="" cdist-$tool_to_debug opt1 opt2

It seems that being able to pass the target host as argv makes sense,
but everything else can be used from cdist-config -> do not pass.

Changing those variables is only needed if debugging the core and for
this purpose setting variables is fine.