diff --git a/bin/cdist-bin-transfer b/bin/cdist-bin-transfer
index 53037698..ae204b13 100755
--- a/bin/cdist-bin-transfer
+++ b/bin/cdist-bin-transfer
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ __cdist_src_base=${__cdist_conf_dir_path%config}
 ssh "${__cdist_remote_user}@${__cdist_target_host}" \
    "rm -rf \"${__cdist_my_remote_out_dir}\" && mkdir -p \"${__cdist_my_remote_out_dir}\""
-# FIXME: enable -q as soon as the code is cleaned up
 # Transfer cdist-* to the remote host
-scp -r "${__cdist_src_base}"* \
+scp -qr "${__cdist_src_base}"* \
diff --git a/bin/cdist-config b/bin/cdist-config
index 8a4bb4a6..70013a50 100755
--- a/bin/cdist-config
+++ b/bin/cdist-config
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ __cdist_sane_regexp='[A-Za-z0-9]*[-A-Za-z0-9_]*'
 : ${__cdist_remote_conf_dir:=$__cdist_remote_base_dir/$__cdist_name_conf_dir}
 : ${__cdist_remote_explorer_dir:=$__cdist_remote_conf_dir/$__cdist_name_explorer}
 : ${__cdist_remote_bin_dir:=$__cdist_remote_conf_dir/$__cdist_name_bin}
+: ${__cdist_remote_type_dir:=$__cdist_remote_conf_dir/$__cdist_name_type}
 # Remote out
 : ${__cdist_remote_out_dir:=$__cdist_remote_base_dir/$__cdist_name_out_dir}
@@ -150,6 +151,11 @@ __cdist_type_explorer_dir()
    echo "${__cdist_type_dir}/$1/$__cdist_name_explorer"
+   echo "${__cdist_remote_type_dir}/$1/$__cdist_name_explorer"
    local type="$1"
diff --git a/bin/cdist-deploy-to b/bin/cdist-deploy-to
index f9217c82..b0b70220 100755
--- a/bin/cdist-deploy-to
+++ b/bin/cdist-deploy-to
@@ -49,13 +49,14 @@ cdist-explorer-run-init       "$__cdist_target_host" "$__cdist_out_explorer_dir"
 # Create initial object base
 cdist-manifest-run-init       "$__cdist_target_host" "$__cdist_out_object_dir"
-# Create dependent objects - BUG: does not abort on error in manifest!!!!
+# Create dependent objects
 cdist-manifest-run-all        "$__cdist_target_host" "$__cdist_out_object_dir"
-exit 2
 # Run explorer of each type for every object of types with explorer
 cdist-object-explorer-all     "$__cdist_target_host" "$__cdist_out_object_dir"
+exit 2
 cdist-object-codegen-all      "$__cdist_target_host" "$__cdist_out_object_dir" "$__cdist_out_execs"
 cdist-exec-transfer           "$__cdist_target_host" "$__cdist_out_execs"
 cdist-exec-run                "$__cdist_target_host"
diff --git a/bin/cdist-dir b/bin/cdist-dir
index 7bdeb644..72f4730b 100755
--- a/bin/cdist-dir
+++ b/bin/cdist-dir
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ __cdist_top_dir="${__cdist_dst_dir%/*}"
 if [ "$__cdist_action" = "push" ]; then
    ssh "${__cdist_remote_user}@${__cdist_target_host}" \
       "mkdir -p \"${__cdist_dst_dir}\""
-   scp -r "$__cdist_src_dir" \
+   scp -qr "$__cdist_src_dir" \
 elif [ "$__cdist_action" = "pull" ]; then
    mkdir -p "${__cdist_dst_dir}"
-   scp -r "${__cdist_remote_user}@${__cdist_target_host}:${__cdist_src_dir}" \
+   scp -qr "${__cdist_remote_user}@${__cdist_target_host}:${__cdist_src_dir}" \
    __cdist_exit_err "Unknown action $__cdist_action"
diff --git a/bin/cdist-object-explorer-all b/bin/cdist-object-explorer-all
index f2a8f42d..4bcee1ed 100755
--- a/bin/cdist-object-explorer-all
+++ b/bin/cdist-object-explorer-all
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 . cdist-config
 [ $# -eq 2 ] || __cdist_usage "<target host> <object_base_dir>"
-set -eu
+set -eux
 __cdist_target_host="$1"; shift
 __cdist_object_base_dir="$1"; shift
@@ -36,31 +36,46 @@ type_listing_all="$__cdist_tmp_dir/types_all"
 # Get listing of objects
-__cdist_object_list "$__cdist_object_base_dir" > "$__cdist_tmp_file"
+__cdist_object_list "$__cdist_object_base_dir" > "$object_listing"
 # Get listing of types used
 while read object; do
    echo "$(__cdist_type_from_object "$object")" >> "$type_listing_all"
-done < "$__cdist_tmp_file"
+done < "$object_listing"
 sort "$type_listing_all" | uniq > "$type_listing"
-cat "$type_listing"
+# Create pseudo array to avoid issues with ssh
+while read type; do
+   eval type_$tc=\"\$type\"
+   tc=$((tc+1))
+done < "$type_listing"
 # For every type that has explorers, Transfer the explorers
+while [ "$i" -le "$tc" ]; do
+   eval cur_type=\"type_$i\"
-# For every object of a type that has explorers, execute the explorers
-# and retrieve the results
+   src_dir="$(__cdist_type_explorer_dir "$cur_type")"
+   dst_dir="$(__cdist_remote_type_explorer_dir "$cur_type")"
-exit 1
+   if [ -d "$src_dir" ]; then
+      cdist-dir push "$__cdist_target_host" "$src_dir" "$dst_dir"
+   fi
+   i=$((i+1))
-# Old code
+# Explorer execution per object
 # need to create pseudo array, as ssh in cdist-explorer-run will destroy while-read loops
 while read object; do
    set -- "$@" "$object"
-done < "$__cdist_tmp_file"
+done < "$object_listing"
+# For every object of a type that has explorers, execute the explorers
+# and retrieve the results
 while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
    object="$1"; shift
@@ -94,13 +109,6 @@ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
    if [ -d "$local_src_dir" ]; then
       echo "Executing explorers for $object ..."
-      num="$(ls -1 "$local_src_dir" | wc -l)"
-      # Skip if there is not at least one explorer
-      if [ "$num" -lt 1 ]; then
-         continue
-      fi
       cdist-explorer-run "$__cdist_target_host" \
          "$local_src_dir"  "$local_dst_dir"     \
          "$remote_src_dir" "$remote_dst_dir"    \