cdist-type__key_value(7) ======================== Steven Armstrong NAME ---- cdist-type__key_value - Change property values in files DESCRIPTION ----------- This cdist type allows you to change values in a key value based config file. REQUIRED PARAMETERS ------------------- file:: The file to operate on. delimiter:: The delimiter which seperates the key from the value. OPTIONAL PARAMETERS ------------------- state:: present or absent, defaults to present. If present, sets the key to value, if absent, removes the key from the file. key:: The key to change. Defaults to object_id. value:: The value for the key. Optional if state=absent, required otherwise. comment_line:: If supplied, the comment line is inserted before the line with key and value, but only if key or value is about to be changed. EXAMPLES -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set the maximum system user id __key_value SYS_UID_MAX --file /etc/login.defs --value 666 --delimiter ' ' # Same with fancy id __key_value my-fancy-id --file /etc/login.defs --key SYS_UID_MAX --value 666 \ --delimiter ' ' # Enable packet forwarding __key_value net.ipv4.ip_forward --file /etc/sysctl.conf --value 1 \ --delimiter ' = ' --comment_line '# my linux kernel should act as a router' # Remove existing key/value __key_value LEGACY_KEY --file /etc/somefile --state absent --delimiter '=' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORE INFORMATION ---------------- This type does not use regex to avoid quoting problems. So you need to specify the key and delimiteri exactly. Delimiter can be one or more characters. Due to shell limitations, we have some values which can not be used. These values are: __CDIST_HEREDOC_END_HERE_MARKER __CDIST_INPUT_END_HERE_MARKER SEE ALSO -------- - cdist-type(7) COPYING ------- Copyright \(C) 2011 Steven Armstrong. Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3).