- setup release date in docs/changelog to today manually - checkout master branch [ x check if date is correct in docs/changelog x ensure all unittests work - requires (wrong/outdated) versionfile! x compile manpages x compile speeches ] [ x add manpages to website repo x add speeches to website repo x rsync cdist docs to website repo & add to website repo x create blog entry & add to website repo ] x upload website x fix latest link for manpages x send mail to mailinglist -> also requires git tag & git release x should also require web-release including blog! - create PKGBUILD for archlinux release x create git tag / read description t if necessary create version branch x change to version branch and merge tag! x update git repos x update website from repo x create release on freecode x create versionfile x make pypi release x make archlinux release manual last steps: - announce on linkedin - announce on twitter