#!/bin/sh version="$1" outfile=${0%.in} cat << eof > "${outfile}" pkgname=cdist pkgver=$version pkgrel=1 pkgdesc='A Usable Configuration Management System"' arch=('any') url='http://www.nico.schottelius.org/software/cdist/' license=('GPL3') depends=('python>=3.2.0') source=("http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/c/cdist/cdist-\${pkgver}.tar.gz") package() { cd cdist-\${pkgver} python3 setup.py build install --root="\${pkgdir}" find "\$pkgdir" -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \; find "\$pkgdir" -type f -exec chmod a+r {} \; } eof makepkg -g >> "${outfile}" # Fix this issue: # error: failed to upload cdist-3.1.6-1.src.tar.gz: Error - all files must have permissions of 644 or 755. chmod a+r "${outfile}"