import logging import socket import oca from django.conf import settings from oca.exceptions import OpenNebulaException from oca.pool import WrongNameError, WrongIdError from hosting.models import HostingOrder from utils.cdist_utils import CdistUtilts from utils.models import CustomUser from utils.tasks import save_ssh_key from .exceptions import KeyExistsError, UserExistsError, UserCredentialError logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class OpenNebulaManager(): """This class represents an opennebula manager.""" def __init__(self, email=None, password=None): = email self.password = password # Get oneadmin client self.oneadmin_client = self._get_opennebula_client( settings.OPENNEBULA_USERNAME, settings.OPENNEBULA_PASSWORD ) # Get or create oppenebula user using given credentials try: self.opennebula_user = self._get_or_create_user( email, password ) # If opennebula user was created/obtained, get his client self.client = self._get_opennebula_client( email, password ) except: pass def _get_client(self, user): """Get a opennebula client object for a CustomUser object Args: user (CustomUser): dynamicweb CustomUser object Returns: oca.Client: Opennebula client object Raise: ConnectionError: If the connection to the opennebula server can't be established """ return oca.Client("{0}:{1}".format(, user.password), "{protocol}://{domain}:{port}{endpoint}".format( protocol=settings.OPENNEBULA_PROTOCOL, domain=settings.OPENNEBULA_DOMAIN, port=settings.OPENNEBULA_PORT, endpoint=settings.OPENNEBULA_ENDPOINT )) def _get_opennebula_client(self, username, password): return oca.Client("{0}:{1}".format( username, password), "{protocol}://{domain}:{port}{endpoint}".format( protocol=settings.OPENNEBULA_PROTOCOL, domain=settings.OPENNEBULA_DOMAIN, port=settings.OPENNEBULA_PORT, endpoint=settings.OPENNEBULA_ENDPOINT )) def _get_user(self, user): """Get the corresponding opennebula user for a CustomUser object Args: user (CustomUser): dynamicweb CustomUser object Returns: oca.User: Opennebula user object Raise: WrongNameError: If no openebula user with this credentials exists ConnectionError: If the connection to the opennebula server can't be established """ user_pool = self._get_user_pool() return user_pool.get_by_name( def create_user(self, user: CustomUser): """Create a new opennebula user or a corresponding CustomUser object Args: user (CustomUser): dynamicweb CustomUser object Returns: int: Return the opennebula user id Raises: ConnectionError: If the connection to the opennebula server can't be established UserExistsError: If a user with this credeintals already exits on the server UserCredentialError: If a user with this email exists but the password is worng """ try: self._get_user(user) try: self._get_client(self, user) logger.debug('User already exists') raise UserExistsError() except OpenNebulaException as err: logger.error('OpenNebulaException error: {0}'.format(err)) logger.debug('User exists but password is wrong') raise UserCredentialError() except WrongNameError: user_id =['allocate'],, user.password, 'core') logger.debug( 'Created a user for CustomObject: {user} with user id = {u_id}', user=user, u_id=user_id ) return user_id except ConnectionRefusedError: logger.error( 'Could not connect to host: {host} via protocol {protocol}'.format( host=settings.OPENNEBULA_DOMAIN, protocol=settings.OPENNEBULA_PROTOCOL) ) raise ConnectionRefusedError def _get_or_create_user(self, email, password): try: user_pool = self._get_user_pool() opennebula_user = user_pool.get_by_name(email) return opennebula_user except WrongNameError as wrong_name_err: opennebula_user = oca.User.METHODS['allocate'], email, password, 'core') logger.debug( "User {0} does not exist. Created the user. User id = {1}", email, opennebula_user ) return opennebula_user except ConnectionRefusedError: 'Could not connect to host: {host} via protocol {protocol}'.format( host=settings.OPENNEBULA_DOMAIN, protocol=settings.OPENNEBULA_PROTOCOL) ) raise ConnectionRefusedError def _get_user_pool(self): try: user_pool = oca.UserPool(self.oneadmin_client) except ConnectionRefusedError: 'Could not connect to host: {host} via protocol {protocol}'.format( host=settings.OPENNEBULA_DOMAIN, protocol=settings.OPENNEBULA_PROTOCOL) ) raise return user_pool def _get_vm_pool(self): try: vm_pool = oca.VirtualMachinePool(self.client) return vm_pool except AttributeError:'Could not connect via client, using oneadmin instead') try: vm_pool = oca.VirtualMachinePool(self.oneadmin_client) return vm_pool except: raise ConnectionRefusedError except ConnectionRefusedError: 'Could not connect to host: {host} via protocol {protocol}'.format( host=settings.OPENNEBULA_DOMAIN, protocol=settings.OPENNEBULA_PROTOCOL) ) raise ConnectionRefusedError # For now we'll just handle all other errors as connection errors except: raise ConnectionRefusedError def get_vms(self): try: return self._get_vm_pool() except ConnectionRefusedError: raise ConnectionRefusedError def get_vm(self, vm_id): vm_id = int(vm_id) try: vm_pool = self._get_vm_pool() return vm_pool.get_by_id(vm_id) except WrongIdError: raise WrongIdError except: raise ConnectionRefusedError def get_primary_ipv4(self, vm_id): """ Returns the primary IPv4 of the given vm. To be changed later. :return: An IP address string, if it exists else returns None """ all_ipv4s = self.get_vm_ipv4_addresses(vm_id) if len(all_ipv4s) > 0: return all_ipv4s[0] else: return None def get_vm_ipv4_addresses(self, vm_id): """ Returns a list of IPv4 addresses of the given vm :param vm_id: The ID of the vm :return: """ ipv4s = [] vm = self.get_vm(vm_id) for nic in vm.template.nics: if hasattr(nic, 'ip'): ipv4s.append(nic.ip) return ipv4s def create_vm(self, template_id, specs, ssh_key=None, vm_name=None): template = self.get_template(template_id) vm_specs_formatter = """ """ vm_id =['instantiate'],, '', True, vm_specs, False) oca.VirtualMachine.METHODS['action'], 'release', vm_id ) if vm_name is not None: 'vm.rename', vm_id, vm_name ) return vm_id def delete_vm(self, vm_id): TERMINATE_ACTION = 'terminate' vm_terminated = False try: oca.VirtualMachine.METHODS['action'], TERMINATE_ACTION, int(vm_id), ) vm_terminated = True except socket.timeout as socket_err:"Socket timeout error: {0}".format(socket_err)) except OpenNebulaException as opennebula_err: "OpenNebulaException error: {0}".format(opennebula_err)) except OSError as os_err:"OSError : {0}".format(os_err)) except ValueError as value_err:"ValueError : {0}".format(value_err)) return vm_terminated def _get_template_pool(self): try: template_pool = oca.VmTemplatePool(self.oneadmin_client) return template_pool except ConnectionRefusedError: '''Could not connect to host: {host} via protocol \ {protocol}'''.format( host=settings.OPENNEBULA_DOMAIN, protocol=settings.OPENNEBULA_PROTOCOL) ) raise ConnectionRefusedError except: raise ConnectionRefusedError def get_templates(self): try: public_templates = [ template for template in self._get_template_pool() if'public-') ] return public_templates except ConnectionRefusedError: raise ConnectionRefusedError except: raise ConnectionRefusedError def try_get_templates(self): try: return self.get_templates() except: return [] def get_template(self, template_id): template_id = int(template_id) try: template_pool = self._get_template_pool() return template_pool.get_by_id(template_id) except: raise ConnectionRefusedError def create_template(self, name, cores, memory, disk_size, core_price, memory_price, disk_size_price, ssh=''): """Create and add a new template to opennebula. :param name: A string representation describing the template. Used as label in view. :param cores: Amount of virtual cpu cores for the VM. :param memory: Amount of RAM for the VM (GB) :param disk_size: Amount of disk space for VM (GB) :param core_price: Price of virtual cpu for the VM per core. :param memory_price: Price of RAM for the VM per GB :param disk_size_price: Price of disk space for VM per GB :param ssh: User public ssh key """ template_string_formatter = """ """ template_id = oca.VmTemplate.allocate( self.oneadmin_client, template_string_formatter.format( name=name, vcpu=cores, cpu=0.1 * cores, size=1024 * disk_size, memory=1024 * memory, # * 10 because we set cpu to *0.1 cpu_cost=10 * core_price, memory_cost=memory_price, disk_cost=disk_size_price, ssh=ssh ) ) return template_id def delete_template(self, template_id):[ 'delete'], template_id, False) def change_user_password(self, new_password): oca.User.METHODS['passwd'],, new_password ) def add_public_key(self, user, public_key='', merge=False): """ Args: user (CustomUser): Dynamicweb user public_key (string): Public key to add to the user merge (bool): Optional if True the new public key replaces the old Raises: KeyExistsError: If replace is False and the user already has a public key WrongNameError: If no openebula user with this credentials exists ConnectionError: If the connection to the opennebula server can't be established Returns: True if public_key was added """ # TODO: Check if we can remove this first try because we basically just # raise the possible Errors try: open_user = self._get_user(user) try: old_key = open_user.template.ssh_public_key if not merge: raise KeyExistsError() public_key += '\n{key}'.format(key=old_key) except AttributeError: pass'user.update',, '{key}' .format(key=public_key)) return True except WrongNameError: raise except ConnectionError: raise def remove_public_key(self, user, public_key=''): """ Args: user (CustomUser): Dynamicweb user public_key (string): Public key to be removed to the user Raises: KeyDoesNotExistsError: If replace is False and the user already has a public key WrongNameError: If no openebula user with this credentials exists ConnectionError: If the connection to the opennebula server can't be established Returns: True if public_key was removed """ try: open_user = self._get_user(user) try: old_key = open_user.template.ssh_public_key if public_key not in old_key: return False # raise KeyDoesNotExistsError() if '\n{}'.format(public_key) in old_key: public_key = old_key.replace('\n{}'.format(public_key), '') else: public_key = old_key.replace(public_key, '') except AttributeError: return False # raise KeyDoesNotExistsError()'user.update',, '{key}' .format(key=public_key)) return True except WrongNameError: raise except ConnectionError: raise def manage_public_key(self, keys, hosts=None, countdown=0): """ A function that manages the supplied keys in the authorized_keys file of the given list of hosts. If hosts parameter is not supplied, all hosts of this customer will be configured with the supplied keys :param keys: A list of ssh keys that are to be added/removed A key should be a dict of the form { 'value': 'sha-.....', # public key as string 'state': True # whether key is to be added or } # removed :param hosts: A list of hosts IP addresses :param countdown: Parameter to be passed to celery apply_async Allows to delay a task by `countdown` number of seconds :return: """ if hosts is None: hosts = self.get_all_hosts() if len(hosts) > 0 and len(keys) > 0: save_ssh_key.apply_async( (hosts, keys, CdistUtilts.get_cdist_index()), countdown=countdown) else: logger.debug("Keys and hosts are empty, so not managing any keys") def get_all_hosts(self): """ A utility function to obtain all hosts of this owner :return: A list of hosts IP addresses, empty if none exist """ owner = CustomUser.objects.filter( all_orders = HostingOrder.objects.filter(customer__user=owner) hosts = [] if len(all_orders) > 0: logger.debug("The user {} has 1 or more VMs. We need to configure " "the ssh keys.".format( for order in all_orders: try: vm = self.get_vm(order.vm_id) for nic in vm.template.nics: if hasattr(nic, 'ip'): hosts.append(nic.ip) except WrongIdError: logger.debug( "VM with ID {} does not exist".format(order.vm_id)) else: logger.debug("The user {} has no VMs. We don't need to configure " "the ssh keys.".format( return hosts